Tag: millipede infestation
Horde of Dead, Black Worms on Porch are Millipedes
“I have these small, tiny, dead, curled-up worms on my front porch”, writes Len about the black worm-like creatures pictured below. “What are they and how do I get rid of them? I assume they will be worse when it gets warm. I live in North Carolina, on the VA line.” Firstly, we want to thank Len for the great picture he sent us. Pictures like these, taken in great lighting and with a crisp quality, always help us identify the worms we are asked about. Secondly, we have to comment on the sheer number of worms he found, because it is truly impressive, though we understand that from Len’s point of view, it could be somewhat alarming.
Black Worms with Antennae Found All Over House are Millipedes
“What is the worm pictured and why are they all of a sudden all over the inside of my house?” asks this reader in her submission regarding the black worm-like creature pictured below. “And how do I get rid of them?” In addition to its black coloration, the creature seems to be segmented and possess a set of antennae. Based on the visual information alone, we would say this is probably a millipede. You cannot see it on the photo, but this creature has multiple sets of legs on the underside of its body, which often gives the millipede the appearance of gliding across surfaces as it walks.
Black Worm-like Critters Swarming Property are Millipedes
“There is an infestation of these little worm-type creatures around the walk and foundation of my home in East Central South Dakota”, states this reader in her submission regarding the curled-up, black worm-like creature pictured below. “Any idea what they might be, or how to get rid of them?” Based on the photo, as well as the fact that these have been infesting the area around our reader’s home, we think this creature is a millipede. These critters are arthropods, meaning they have exoskeletons that protect a segmented body. Millipedes are detritivores, meaning they feed on decomposing organic matter, unlike their cousin the centipede, which is a predator that feeds on little bugs.
Millipedes Found in Shower Prompt Questions About Their Harmfulness to Humans
“I found millipedes in the shower”, states this reader in his submission. “How do I get rid of them? Are they harmful?” he asks.
Dozens of Dried Up Worms Showing Up on Porch During Storm are Millipedes
“What are these worms?” asks this reader in Ponte Vedra, FL. “I continuously have these dried up worms on my front porch”, she says about the black, curled-up worms pictured below.
Furnished Basement in Ohio Home is Infested With Millipedes
“What is the best method to permanently eradicate these pests?” asks this reader in Central Ohio, who sends in pictures of these small, black-brown critters. These critters have supposedly taken over our reader’s “rarely used, finished basement” and he thanks us in advance for our help.
Gray, Segmented Insects with Many Legs Constantly Appearing in Bathtub are Duff Millipedes
“What type of insect is this that is constantly appearing in my bathtub?” is all this reader asks in her submission. Her questions pertains to the brownish-gray creature with multiple legs and a white tip pictured below.
Thousands of Dark Brown Worms Found Around Home are Millipedes
“Can you tell me what these are and where they are coming from?” asks this reader in South Georgia. “I had thousands of them last year”, she says of the small, dark brown worm-like organisms pictured below.
Segmented Worm with Antennae Found in Bathroom is a Millipede
This worm-like creature pictured below was found in this reader’s toilet and wash basin. She has seen two or three worms like this so far, and asks us if we can tell her what they are.
Outrageous Infestation of Small Brown Worms Are Millipedes!
A reader concerned about an “outrageous infestation” of small brown worms outside her home sent in this image below of a small worm with a triangular tipped tail and a brown, ridged body.