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Posted in Garden Worms Meal Worms Pest Worms

Meal Worms

Meal worms are among the most common worms in the home, both as they eat through your pantry, and as meal worms are used as food for pet lizards and fish.

larva in drawer
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Posted in Meal Worms Pest Worms

Worms or Larvae in Kitchen Drawers and on Counters

A reader wrote to us recently about some worms she is finding in her kitchen drawers and occasionally on her kitchen counters. For several reasons, we know that the “worms” in the drawers are actually larvae, so we’ll drop the word “worm” from here on out for the sake of accuracy. The larvae were identified as “carpet bugs” by a “carpet guy,” who told the reader she needed to steam clean her house (naturally) and use some sort of pesticide. This is where the reader’s email ends – she actually doesn’t ask any question – but we are assuming she at least wants to know what the larvae in kitchen drawers are, and once we arrive at an identification, we can briefly touch on the matter of getting rid of them.

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Posted in Meal Worms Pest Worms

Do You Need an Exterminator to Get Rid of Mealworms?

A reader wrote to use recently with a straightforward question: “How do you get rid of meal worms in a pantry?” She is further wondering if you need an exterminator to get rid of mealworms (or “meal worms,” as the reader put it, which is correct as well), or if she can handle getting rid of the worms herself. Presumably, the reader is dealing with mealworms in her pantry, or else she is just curious about mealworm infestations in pantries. In any case, we do have some helpful information for getting rid of mealworms, which in normal cases should not require an exterminator.

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Posted in Eating Worms Fishing Worms Meal Worms

What Do Mealworms Eat?

Mealworms are packed with protein and they are considered low fat. Surprisingly, mealworms are consumed by humans in some parts of the world.