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Posted in Interesting Bugs Worms Facts Worms Generally

Cola-colored Mass of Worm-like Creatures on Patio are Sawfly Larvae

“What are these tiny worm-like creatures? We get quite a few and have had 2 groups this morning” writes this reader about the horde of larvae-like organisms pictured below. The cola-colored “worm-like” creature was allegedly “deposited/dropped by something onto” our reader’s “tile patio outside”.

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Posted in Caterpillars Garden Worms Pest Worms

Black and White-Striped Larva in Flower Bed is a Turbulent Phosphilia Caterpillar

Multiple of the following worms were found by this reader in his flower bed while he was weeding. He suspects that these black and white creatures are beetle larvae, but wonders if we could help identify them.