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Posted in Indian Meal Moth Larvae

Worms Found Near Dry Food Are Pantry Moth Larvae

We believe the creatures our reader found in her home are pantry moth larvae. These food pests can be quite a nuisance so we encourage our reader to start following the steps to eliminate them as soon as possible!

tiny maggot in bathroom
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Posted in Interesting Bugs

Tiny White Maggots in Bathroom

We received a question from a reader recently about a small maggot, or something like a maggot, that he found in his bathroom. The reader’s email to us does a decent job covering his situation, so we’ll quote it in full (with the addition of several articles, definite and indefinite): “This tiny white maggoty looking worm with light pinkish head and tail was on the edge of my bathroom sink this morning. My shitzu sleeps with me. Maybe it crawled on me in the night and fell off me at the sink? He goes potty in a woodsy area. I know there are chiggers he brings in. I’m in west central Missouri. Just north of Kansas City and it’s the end of June. Can you identify? Thank you.”