Tag: house fly larvae
White Worm Found in Nose Could be Harmless Larva, Though Medical Consultation is Advised
“I had a horrific feeling of something crawling up my nose”, begins this reader in her submission about the worm-like creature pictured below. “I blew my nose continuously and it still hurt. When I breathed in, it hurt. I sneezed and sneezed. Finally, I blew out this tiny worm, white/beige: it had a sharp point at the end. I felt intense relief. I had no other symptoms. It is about 1 cm (0.4-inches). It was very much alive! Now, I am paranoid that I am infested with pupae. Do you think this could be a one time event? We live in the country, deep in the woods, in the South. We do have all sorts of insects around. I do my best to keep them out of the house. I will enclose a picture. Thank you so much!”
Maggots Roaming Bathroom Floor Could be Clothes Moth Larvae or House Fly Larvae
“I have found about seven of these tiny white maggots on my bathroom floor this morning in various locations” states this reader about the short, maggot-like creatures pictured below. Our reader additionally asks where the creatures may be coming from and what she can do to get rid of them.
Dozens of White Larvae Falling From Ceiling Fan are House Fly Larvae
Several dozen larvae have been falling from this reader’s bathroom ceiling fan over a span of several days. The larvae appear to be white, have no legs, and, in the words of our reader, “one end” of the larvae “is flat and the other has a tapered pointy end.”