Tag: gray worms with black heads
Bundle of Clear Worms on Website are Newly-hatched Caterpillars
“What are these things?” asks Mary in her submission regarding the swarm of tiny, worm-like creatures pictured below. “They look a little different from the others I’ve seen on your site. First I found a bunch on a spot on my ceiling yesterday. Now today I found a bunch on a windowsill in the room beside where I found the ones on the ceiling in the hallway. Thank you.” Mary sent a bunch of photos, as well as a video, but we have included the photo which we think shows the organisms most clearly, though they are still quite hard to see, as the photo is taken quite far away and the resolution is not the best. Luckily, the video does show the critters up close.
Bug Spray Will Not Be Necessary To Get Rid of this Armyworm Cluster
“What is this and how do I get rid of it?” asks this reader, who has seemingly found a large cluster of worm-like organisms. The creatures are small and gray, with bulbous black heads, and our reader asks if she needs to spray the creatures with bug spray.
Newly-Hatched Armyworm Clusters Found On the Walls of UK Home
Clusters of small, dark worm-like creatures have been found by this reader in the UK, who would like to know what these critters are. Our reader reports finding two such clusters in her house, both times finding them “high up on walls”, and describes them as being the size of a “50p coin” (slightly larger than a quarter).