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Posted in Caterpillars Worms Facts Worms Generally

Small Gray Bug Found Inside Vehicle is Some Kind of Caterpillar/Larva

“Why do I keep finding this bug in my vehicle?” asks this reader in her submission concerning the small, gray, spiky bug on the face mask in the photo below. Our reader states that she does not allow eating in her car, which she just purchased and keeps very clean.

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Posted in Caterpillars Worms Facts Worms Generally

“Yikes!” Say This Couple Upon Discovering Cluster of American Ermine Moth Larvae On Their Ceiling

“My wife and I saw something on our ceiling and thought it was a stain until I got closer with a flashlight and realized it was moving,” writes this couple about a cluster of larvae they discovered in their home. From our reader’s description of them, it is clear that the larvae are minuscule in size, and in addition to that the larvae appear to be a gray translucent color with black heads.

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Posted in Army Worms Garden Worms Pest Worms

Gray and Black Caterpillar is a Budding Fall Armyworm

A gray caterpillar-like creature with a glossy black head was found by this reader, who asks what kind of “worm” it is and where it is coming from. This article will do its best to answer these questions and provide some insightful information on this specific organism.

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Posted in Army Worms Garden Worms Pest Worms

Three Clusters of Tiny Gray Larvae on Ceiling are Baby Fall Armyworms

After being gone for three days, this reader came back to his home to find “three groups of these critters” on his family room ceiling. The critters in question appear to be a dark gray color, with bulbous, glossy black heads and segmented, bristly bodies.

gray worm thing
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Posted in Caterpillars

Gray “Worm Thing” with Horns

A reader wrote to us through the All About Worms Facebook page about a grayish “worm thing” that she came across. The creature is about 1.5 inches (4 centimeters) long, and it has horns on one end of its body. Interestingly, the creature is also reported to have “holes or suckers” on its bottom side. Overall, the reader describes the creature as “terrifying,” and says that she “would die if it touched me.” She is therefore keen to know what she found and where it came from. What could this gray, horned worm-like thing be?