Tag: gnat larvae
Thin, White Worms in Planter Could be Gnat Larvae or Grubs
“I found thin, white-colored worms in my garden”, writes Bree in her submission. “They were about an inch long, hanging upside down from my planter boxes and wiggling around. They did not appear to be hanging by any thread and it had rained a lot today if that helps.” Now, we have to say that we cannot actually see the worms Bree is talking about in the photos. We do not know if she means the thin, white, long objects littered across the soil in the photo, though those look like twigs, but since they were meant to only be an inch long, we assume she doesn’t mean these.
Circle of Worms Writhing Over Each Other in Driveway are Fungus Gnat Larvae
“What kind of worm moves together in a braided type circle?” asks this reader in her submission concerning the horde of worms pictured below. “This was found on my driveway in North Myrtle Beach, SC.” We have to say, this is one of the most fascinating submissions we have received from a reader. Especially when looking at the video she sent in (linked below), which shows how the worms writhe and slither over each other in this circle. The act of going round and round in circles is odd, but the pile-up of worms is not for this species of fly, namely the fungus gnat (or ‘sciarid fly’).
Long Line of Small White Larvae or Worms Gathered Together: Fungus Gnat Larvae Snake
We received an excellent photo a while ago of what a reader described as two large groupings – or “packs” – of small white worms or larvae that were formed in lines. Since we are pretty certain she found fungus gnat larvae, or more specifically what are sometimes called “fungus gnat larvae snakes,” we will refer to them only as “small white larvae,” and not hedge by writing “small white larvae or worms.” The reader found the lines of white larvae – or we suppose they are actually more like see-through larvae with black heads – on her concrete patio, and was merely wondering what they are. As we said above, they look like gnat fly larvae, so the reader’s question has technically already been answered, but below we provide a little more information about these strange configurations of creations. What exactly are fungus gnat larvae, and why do they group together to form “snakes.”
Swarm of Tiny White Worms with Black Heads on Ceiling
Recently we received yet another question about tiny white worms with black heads. This time, the small worms (or more likely larvae) were in a swarm on the ceiling. There are probably at least a hundred worms or larvae in the picture we were sent, and they are all in a small area of the ceiling, tightly packed together. The reader indicated that we had tentatively identified similar creatures in the past as moth fly larvae, and was wondering if the small white worms (or larvae) with black heads that he found are moth fly larvae.
Short White Maggots Inside Crickets
We received an interesting question from a reader the other day via the All About Worms Facebook page about “some sort of short white maggot” crawling out of the abdomen of a cricket. The reader feeds the crickets to his chameleon, and recently gnats have been found in the “chameleon’s habitat.” The reader speculated there might be a connection between the gnats and the short white maggots – indeed, he thought the maggots might be the gnats themselves – and asked us to weigh in on the matter. What type of short white maggot could be inside a cricket?