Tag: drain fly larva
Are Tiny Worms Drain Fly Larvae?
A reader recently sent us some photos of worms he found in his bathtub. He wrote, “I believe they may be drain worms. I think there might be eggs around too. Your input would be great.”
Tiny Black Worms are Drain Fly Larvae, Not Parasites
We believe the tiny black worms our reader found in his toilet are drain fly larvae, not parasites. Drain fly larvae aren’t considered harmful and aren’t known to carry or transmit human diseases.
Black Wiggling Worms In Toilet Likely Drain Fly Larvae
We believe the black worms our reader noticed in the toilet at her work are drain fly larvae and did not come out of her body. Since she did mention having symptoms, even if she thinks they are psychosomatic, we encourage her to see a doctor if she is truly worried about her health or thinks that these might be parasitic specimens.
Worm found in Toilet Nothing to Worry About
A worried reader wrote to us about a creature that she found in her toilet. She describes it as being quite small, perhaps 2 cm (<1/10”) in length. She notes that it was moving around when she saw it. She asks if it is a drain fly larva, or perhaps a pin worm. She has included a picture, which shows that it is a very small creature, indeed.
“Worm” in Shower is Likely a Larva
We received a query from a reader who found a worm in his shower. He would like to know what it is, and if it is harmful. He has included a photograph to help us identify it.
Creatures in Drain are Drain Fly Larvae
Every once in a while, we get a picture from a reader that makes us say, “Oh my goodness! This is such a cute creature!”
This is not one of these times. While the critters in the photographs below are interesting and a marvel of evolution, it’s a stretch to refer to them as cute. Instead, we’ll use the term “distinctive.”
“Worms” in Tasmanian Toilet are Drain Fly Larvae
A reader has written to us all the way from Tasmania, Australia. He would like some information about some worms that he found in his toilet. He says that they are all less than one-inch long, very skinny, and appear to be living quite happily in the toilet water.