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Posted in Drain Fly Larvae Worms Found in the House Worms Generally

Yellow and Reddish-Brown Striped Worm in Toilet is a Drain Fly Larva

After leaving her house in South-East England empty for three months, this reader has found a worm in her toilet and wonders if we have any ideas about what it could be. The worm is described by our reader as having “yellow and reddish-brown stripes”, and zooming in on the photograph she sent us confirms, at the very least, that the worm is striped.

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Posted in Drain Fly Larvae Pest Worms Worms Found in the House

Striped Brown Worm in Toilet is a Drain Fly Larva

A beige-brown, striped worm was found by this reader, who wonders if we could tell her what it is. The worm was found in her toilet and she worries that it may be a parasite.

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Posted in Caterpillars Drain Fly Larvae Indian Meal Moth Larvae

Mass Infestation of Various Moth Species Plague Woman’s Home

A woman recently contacted us about a moth infestation she has been experiencing over the past couple of months, and she asks for our help in identifying and dealing with the problem. She has herself identified the moths as pantry moths (Indianmeal moths) “because they have a stripe across their body”, but is now wondering whether or not they could be drain moths.

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Posted in Drain Fly Larvae Worms Found in the House Worms Generally

Little Black Live Worms in Shower are Drain Fly Larvae

Little live black worms have been appearing in this reader’s shower, who has “cleaned & cleaned & cleaned” in an attempt to get rid of them, to no avail. She wonders if we can tell her what the worms are and how to get rid of them.

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Posted in Drain Fly Larvae Marine Worms

Air BnB Guest Find Two Drain Fly Pupae in the Toilet

A reader of ours found two worm-like creatures in a toilet at an Air BnB and wonders if we have any thoughts as to what they might be. The creatures in question appear to be black and white in coloration, with a segmented body striped black and white, a sharply-pointed tail, and a bulkier head sprouting two antennae.

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Posted in Parasite Worms Pinworm Worms Found in the House

Worms Inside Toilet Parasites or Something Else?

A man recently sent in this photo of two worms he found after going to the toilet. After being very bloated for a couple of weeks and showing other symptoms, our reader went to his doctor who told him they could be pinworms. However, our reader does not think they look like pinworms, as he has had those in the past and they looked different.

tiny worm in tub
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Posted in Drain Fly Larvae

Are Tiny Worms Drain Fly Larvae?

A reader recently sent us some photos of worms he found in his bathtub. He wrote, “I believe they may be drain worms. I think there might be eggs around too. Your input would be great.”

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Posted in Drain Fly Larvae Worms Found in the House

Tiny Black Worms are Drain Fly Larvae, Not Parasites

We believe the tiny black worms our reader found in his toilet are drain fly larvae, not parasites. Drain fly larvae aren’t considered harmful and aren’t known to carry or transmit human diseases.

bug in the bathroom
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Posted in Drain Fly Larvae Worms Found in the House Worms Generally

Are Fruit Flies and Bathroom Worm Related

A reader who had what he thought was a fruit fly problem he’d been managing with sticky traps sent us…

tiny worm in shower drain
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Posted in Pest Worms

Tiny Worms in Shower Drain

A reader wrote to us a few days ago to ask about some tiny worms he found coming out of what appears to be his shower drain. (The reader said the worms came out of his “water floor trap,” but based on the pictures he submitted, we are pretty sure this means the worms are in and around the shower drain.) The reader said the worms look like earthworms, but are “very tiny,” and indeed they are, as you’ll see in a moment. Naturally, the reader was curious what he found, so he submitted some pictures to us for “analysis,” asking us to identify the tiny worms in the drain if possible.

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Posted in Interesting Worms

Different Names for Moth Flies

Moth flies are grayish or dark creatures with hundreds of fine hairs covering the wings and the body.