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Posted in Dog Worms Worms Facts Worms Generally

Brown Worm Causes Concern About Pet Parasites

“Does this look like a dog or cat parasite?” asks Lee about the oddly-shaped, brown, worm-like creature pictured below. “I found it on my bedroom rug. It’s about a 1/4-inch long and is unaffected by touch or heat.” Now, we have to say right off the bat that we will not be able to confirm or deny if this is a cat or dog parasite. The reason for this is because whenever parasites are involved, or even suspected of being involved, the situation becomes medical in nature. Since we are not medical professionals, we are not qualified or legally able to identify parasites, given the health risks they pose. Doing so would be tantamount to providing a diagnosis, which only a medical professional, in this case a vet, would be qualified to do.

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Posted in Hook Worms Parasite Worms Whipworm

Worms in Pets and What To Do About Them

There are many wonders and joys to owning a pet, but along with the enormous responsibility they impose, there are unfortunately also a lot of complications that one might have to overcome, such as health problems. One of the health problems that both dogs and cats alike can face are intestinal worms.