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Posted in Computer Worms

X Rated Audio Plays on Computer Virus Worm

One of the most disturbing types of computer worms or viruses, however, is a type of worm that carries passwords to x rated websites. W32/Melissa has been contained, but the virus spread at a rapid pace back in 1999 by integrating itself into program or data files.

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Posted in Computer Worms

Free Civilization Virus Worm Trojan

A Trojan horse may appear in the form of a file or software program that has been sent from a legitimate source. The Trojan horse will install and a number of things can happen.

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Posted in Computer Worms

Computer Worm Definition

Computer worms can even freeze or disable entire servers. Some of the most sophisticated computer worms can actually tunnel into your computer and give users remote access to your computer.

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Posted in Computer Worms

What is a Computer Worm?

A computer worm (sometimes called “computer worm viruses”) is a nasty computer program which is downloaded and run on your computer without your knowledge, and which can do a great amount of damage and compromise your computer’s security.