Tag: composting
The Key to Breeding White Worms (Pot Worms)
A worm breeder in Ashford, Kent, England contacted us about a problem he has been having with breeding white worms, otherwise known as pot worms. Despite experiencing rapid growth initially, the white worms quickly “crashed” after a while, and our reader hopes we can clarify for him what he could be doing to keep the breeding consistent, and efficient.
All About Worm Tea – How’s It Made? What’s It Used For?
Worm tea sounds like a disgusting beverage, not exactly the sort of drink you want to curl up with on a cold night (or any night for that matter.) Fortunately, it’s not a drink that people enjoy…it’s used primarily as a fertilizer!
Black Larvae are Probably Black Soldier Fly Larvae
One of our readers emailed us a picture of a creature that he found. He said these black creatures had become quite a nuisance to him. From the picture, we can tell that he has found Black Soldier Fly larvae.
Miracle-Gro Peat Moss as a Bed for Red Wiggler Worms?
One of our readers emailed us inquiring about adding Miracle-Gro peat moss to some of the red fishing worms he had recently purchased. He wanted to know if they would grow and reproduce.
Worms You Might Find in Your Compost
Worms and compost are a match made in heaven. Worms love the stuff of compost bins, happily consuming it and then leaving behind worm castings (a.k.a. vermicast, worm humus, or worm manure), which is excellent fertilizer. So, we are able to convert our organic waste into something of value, and in so doing we make a lot of worms happy. We’ve written a lot about worm composting before (check out this article on the general topic of using worms in your compost, and here is another about a specific way to compost using worm farms), so we are certainly no strangers to this fantastic natural process.
Make Your Own Worm Composter
Mix the organic materials together and add the worms. It takes roughly 3-5 months for the worms to eat through the materials. At this time, you will notice very little materials and a hefty amount of compost. Once this happens, it’s time to harvest.
Magic Worm Bedding
Magic Worm Bedding has a sphagnum peat moss base. This organic, fibrous material is believed to have the ability to “hold up to twenty times its own weight.”
Compost Pests
Many pests attack compost piles that have been improperly constructed. These pests are not to be confused with worms that help the composting process. In fact, many people want worms in their compost piles and may even purchase a worm or two to get the process started or to help move the composting process along more quickly.
Heating Cables in Worm Beds
electric heating cables are thermostatically set for optimum temperature control. The heating cables in worm beds will maintain a consistent, ideal temperature of 72 degrees.
Grubs and Composting
If you plan to find your own worms, then you should examine the soil and the worms for grubs. Simply sift through the worms and soil to look for larvae.
How to Build a Worm Bed
A worm bed is actually the most important part of a successful worm composting system. A worm bed can be made from either moist newspaper strips or moist leaves.
Composting with Worms
Composting with worms or “worm composting,” is the process of using worms to recycle organic material and food scraps into a useful soil amendment called “vermicompost.” Vermicompost is also called “worm compost.”