Tag: Clothing
Small White Worms in or Under Clothes
One of our readers emailed us about finding little white worms under her clean clothing. She said that they did not shed any skin and she had not noticed if they had eaten any of the clothing yet. She did not include a picture so it is difficult for us to make a conclusive identification of these worms, however there is a possibility that these are tiny moth larvae or clothes moths.
Worms in Carpet and Clothing
A reader wrote to us the other day about “carpet worms, carpet beetles, and possibly a moth worm” that she has seen moving in her carpet. The worms and beetles, which we’ll define more precisely below, are also eating holes in her shirt and “causing” lint to build up. The infestation has gotten so bad that the reader feel pricks when she walks around the carpet. For obvious reasons, she wants to get of the worms and beetles she is finding, and she wrote to us for help.
Carpet Beetle Larvae on Clothing
A reader wrote us a fairly frantic message via the All About Worms Facebook page recently about what appears to be carpet beetle larvae, easily the most common creature we write about. The reader was “begging” (her word) us for help, and stressed her discomfort with three exclamation points. The carpet beetle larvae, if this is in fact what they are, are on a sock, and there appear to be at least seven or eight of them, so we can understand the reader’s concern. The reader only asked about identification, which we’ve technically already covered, but we’ll explore our suggestion in greater depth below.