Tag: clothes eating worms
“Alien” Organisms Caked Onto Surfaces “Devouring” this Woman’s Home
“I hope you are able to help me”, writes Julia in her submission regarding a whole host of problems and organisms. “After nearly two years of doing my own research I am still unable to identify these organisms. I say that because I’m not sure if they are in fact worms or possibly the larvae of another insect?” Now, first off, we want to thank Julia for the array of photos, of which we chose the most distinct and clear ones. Photos are always invaluable when it comes to trying to identify organisms. Secondly, we have to say that this is, by far, the most amount of context we have ever received regarding a worm-related situation. For this we are also grateful, as it is equally important to provide context when trying to get an organism identified. That said, it can be a lot for our other readers to process, and we also want Julia to get the information and answers that we can provide as soon as possible.
Brown & Tan-Striped Bugs are Carpet Beetle Larvae
Two photographs of some kind of creature were sent in by this woman who wonders what they might be. The creatures in question appear to be brown and tan-striped, sport multiple pairs of forelegs, and are somewhat oval in shape.
Extremely Tiny, Larva-Looking Worm on Mattress is a Carpet Beetle Larva
After finding a ‘single, extremely tiny, larva-looking worm’ in the ‘cracks’ of her mattress, this reader wonders if this is a flea or not. She is already in the process of treating her cat for fleas, but has not seen a single adult flea in over a month, and so wonders if she will need to treat her house again for fleas. She adds that she never actually saw any fleas around her house, but only on her cat.
Mother Finds Carpet Beetle Larva on Son’s Mattress Protector
A concerned mother wrote to us about a creature she found on her son’s mattress protector in the laundry room. Although the photograph provided is quite blurry, we can tell that the creature in question appears to be oval in shape, and is brown and tan in color, though not much more can be ascertained.
Brown-Striped Worm Found in Sofa is a Carpet Beetle Larva
The son of this reader found ‘tiny brown-striped worms’ in the sofa, and his mother contacted us, wondering what they might be.
Several Carpet Beetle Larvae Found by Woman
Several “larva type things” were found by this woman in her house, and upon checking out some of our posts, she guesses that they might be carpet beetle larvae. She asks that we help her in identifying the critters by checking out the photos she sent to us.
Hoard of Tiny Worms on Woman’s Cardigan are Clothes Moth Larvae
Troves of little worms were found on this woman’s bed, and from perusing our website, she guesses that they may be moth larvae. The worms in question were specifically found on a white cardigan on her bed that had been left out to dry on our reader’s washing line, and appear to be tiny in size and black in color, though it difficult to tell as the picture and video are taken from afar.