Tag: centipedes
Millipede or Centipede?
Yesterday we received one of the simplest questions we have ever been sent. The reader submitted a photo of a creature and asked only if it is a centipede or millipede. There were no complicating factors, so he was basically looking for a one-word answer. We think our reader found a millipede, and in what follows we explain why. In doing so, we will outline the difference between centipedes and millipedes, providing a concise guide that will help you determine whether you have found a millipede or centipede.
Spade-shaped Worm with Antennae-looking Appendages is a Mystery
“I’m hoping someone can help me ID this very weird worm I found in a drop of water in our shower stall (hours after its last use)”, writes Leah in her submission regarding the creature pictured below. “I’m in Eastern Ontario. I thought maybe it was a drain fly or centipede but have been told it appears to be a worm. Any thoughts? Sorry for the poor quality photo. I’d really appreciate any assistance!” We do agree that this is a very strange-looking worm. It has qualities that remind us of creatures we are familiar with: the triangular-shaped head reminds us of a hammerhead worm or even a snake, but the two thin string-like appendages at the rear look like antennae (which would normally be on the head of an organism) which remind us of centipedes, which Leah already picked up on. That said, we do not think it is a drain fly (or drain fly larva). We also agree that the photo is unfortunately quite poor quality, which makes it hard for us to discern any other identifying features and give a confident identification.
Centipedes Infest Home for Two Years
“Infested house and garden, two and a half years trying to get rid of them”, starts Paula in her submission regarding the blurry creature with multiple appendages pictured below. “I’m disabled and can’t get any help. I’ve spent thousands on deadbeat alleged insect killer firms. Please help me.” Unfortunately, since the photo is so blurry, we will only be able to provide an educated guess as to the identity of this organism, as opposed to a confident and accurate identification. With that said, we are somewhat confident in our guess, as the outline of this creature’s shapes and what we assume to be its many legs points us in one direction: centipedes.
Worm-like Creature with Antennae in Pool is a Centipede
“I found the worm in the attached photo in my pool, and I have not found anything similar in internet searches”, writes Brent in his submission regarding the thin, long, worm-like creature with antennae pictured below. “Can you tell me what it is and if it is dangerous to humans or pets? Thank you!” Now, although this photo is not high resolution, meaning that when we zoom in the details get pretty blurry, we can see that the creature does indeed have the aforementioned antennae, which leads us to believe that Brent found a centipede in his pool. More likely than not, the centipede ended up in the pool by accident, and its presence is nothing to worry about.
Skinny Worms with Antennae Crawling Up Walls are Actually Centipedes
“I keep finding these worms that are super skinny and an inch or two long with two tiny antennas”, writes Chase in his submission regarding the “skinny” creature pictured below. “They are in my bathroom and are only on the walls and pop up after I’m gone all day or have been sleeping all night. They don’t look like typical earthworms either. It looks like there are segments but I’m not sure. I’ll attach a photo and video.” To start with, we have to note that since the photo is quite blurry, we cannot make out these segments that Chase is referring to, as well as other smaller physical details that might further reveal the identity of this creature. That said, based on his description of the organism, we think Chase has been finding centipedes on his walls.
Worm with Antennae in Laundry is a Centipede
“I found this worm (?) in my laundry, which was close to the entrance of the bathroom”, writes Lindsey in her submission regarding the worm-like creature with antennae pictured below. “I’ve looked up drain worms but this seems to be closer to a centipede?” Right off the bat, Lindsey has correctly identified the organism. She is also correct in looking up drain worms (AKA drain fly larvae, or moth fly larvae), as those are the most common worm-like organisms one finds in laundry rooms and bathrooms. Centipedes are not as commonly found in laundry rooms or bathrooms specifically, but they can be found all over the home, so it is not improbable that one would be in these areas.
Creatures That Look Like Worms, but Aren’t
At AllAboutWorms.com, we get a lot of submissions about worms and worm-like creatures. This article will briefly outline some of the creatures that belong to the latter group. When we think of worms, we often think of an earthworm. But typically, when we find any elongated creature in the wild that remotely resembles a worm, we also assume it is one. Now, one might argue that one should not get hung up on details, but it also isn’t just a case of semantics. Knowing the difference between various species will determine how you react to a given animal, and will equip you with the knowledge of how to deal with them: are they likely to infest your home? Is your health and safety at risk? Of course, even within the category of animals that are strictly worms, you can ask these same questions, as there are thousands of worm species. But the point of this article is to identify the most common critters which are mistaken as worms, so as to educate people, but also just for fun.
Worms in Terrarium are Soil Nematodes and Centipedes
“I found a similar article about white worms in terrariums, but I wanted to be sure I had the same bugs!” exclaims this reader in her submission regarding the translucent worms pictured below. “These white worms don’t appear to be actively moving, and I just noticed them today after having made this terrarium from moss from my yard last month. There’s the white worms, and then another two that appear different. One is browner and looks to have antennae, and the other appears to have legs? I don’t want my other house plants to get infected! This moss was harvested from Pittsburgh, PA.”
Black Bug with Many Legs Could be Duff Millipede
“Really appreciate your response to my last question where you surmised, based on poor photos, that I had carpet beetle larvae/maggots”, writes Billy in his submission regarding the spiky, black, worm-like critter pictured below. “However, I continue to have these random appearances from these creatures, and the behaviour didn’t seem to make sense. I’m attaching what I hope are better pictures, where you can see that these creatures have legs rather than bristles. As mentioned previously, they seem to appear in random places on the wall (high level) and ceiling but always gravitate towards bright areas of the room. I’d appreciate it if you can have a re-look at the attached. Thanks.”
Light Brown Worm With Many Legs in Bathroom is a Millipede
“I found this worm-like thing in my daughter’s bathroom”, writes Bryan about the light brown creature pictured below. “This is the second one we found in a week. It has legs, so it’s not a “worm”, but I’m trying to figure out how they are getting into her bathroom. Can you identify it?” Firstly, we want to thank Bryan for the excellent photo he sent in: the clarity of the photo allows us to see the tiny legs he is talking about, as well as antennae sprouting from its head. Secondly, we can definitely identify this creature. It turns out that Bryan has found himself a millipede.
Black Worm in Shower Could be Drain Fly Larva, or a Legged Creature
“I found a long, small, black worm while I was showering”, writes Kylee about the creature pictured below. “It’s the only one I’ve found, and it was so fast! But it doesn’t look at all like an earthworm. I’ll try to attach a photo.” This is a curious case, because once we think we land on an identification, one of the facts that Kylee gives us seems to put us back in a corner and reevaluate. For example, given where this creature was found, as well as its body shape and coloration, we would instinctively identify this as a drain fly larva. Yet, when we take into account that it supposedly moves “so fast”, then this explanation seems less likely. But in any case, from the picture it looks like the critter does not have legs, like most species of worms, and many species of insect larvae, and if this is the case, then how can it move as fast as Kylee suggests?
Thin, Yellow Worm with Many Legs Found in Shower is a Centipede
“I found this in my shower”, writes Anita about the yellow, long and thin worm-like creature pictured below. “I’ve never seen anything like this. Your insight is greatly appreciated!” Well, without wasting a minute, we will just right ahead and say that what Anita found is a centipede! That’s not maybe the best news Anita has received all year – centipedes are a common phobia among many, and are feared because of their many legs which they are known for. And it’s true, centipedes can be sort of creepy. There are not that many other creatures on this planet with that many legs: centipedes have a pair of legs sprouting from each of its segments, and on top of that they also have long antennae and pincer-like appendages near their head called forcipules.
Yellow Worm with Antennae Crawling Around Bathroom is a Centipede
“I found this worm in our bathroom,” writes Christina from Texas. She refers to the long, yellow creature pictured below, of which she also sends an excellent video of it slithering around. “It has no legs but it does have two antennae. It’s flipping and slithering like a parasite. Please help. What is it? Thank you.” From the photo and the video, we would say that this organism best resembles a centipede. Centipedes are infamous for their many pairs of legs which sprout from the sides of their bodies, which make a lot of people fearful of them. Because of these many legs, all of which move in unison, they can appear to be slithering over surfaces, especially when their legs are as thin as this one’s, making the legs hard to see with the naked eye.
Pink Worms with Hooks at their Rears Invade Dog Owner’s Motel Room
“What kind of worms/centipede are these?” asks Cyndi in her submission regarding the small, pinkish worm-like creatures pictured below. They seem to possess claw-like appendages jutting out from their rears. “I found them on the bathroom floor under my towel,” she continues. “I had given dogs a bath the previous day with flea and tick medicine in the shampoo. Not sure if they came off the dogs when they were alive. They were very flat, centipede-looking, and very fast. I am staying at a motel currently so I’m not sure if it’s some kind of disease-infested bed bug-type thing or what. Please help me identify these.”
Yellow Worm-like Creature with Antennae and Many Legs is a House Centipede
“It was wriggling like a worm and didn’t have legs”, states this reader in “Rural England” concerning the creature pictured below. He adds that it was less than an inch in length and that it was found in his house.
Black Worm-like Creature Found Dead and Dried Up is a Millipede
“I found this under my bed when moving it. It was dried up and about 1-2 inches long”, states this reader about the blackish-brown organism pictured below. “Can you let me know what type of worm this is, if it is one?”
Dark-colored Worm with Stinger and Feelers is Likely a Centipede
“When I tried to decapitate it with my thumbnail, it appeared to curl like a scorpion and a tiny stinger appeared on the tail!” exclaims this reader in his submission regarding an organism of a “dark color” he found. “What could it be?”
Yellow Worm with Many Legs Found in Pool is a Centipede
“Found this in my pool this morning”, states this reader concerning the yellow creature below. The organism in question has antennae, a brown head, and multiple legs running the length of its body.
Brown Worm with Antennae Found in Sink is a Baby Centipede
“Found in bathroom sink”, states this reader in North Carolina about the minuscule, reddish-brown creature pictured below. The organism has a slender body, and a pair of antennae atop a lighter-colored head.
Woman Spits Out What Appears to Be a Centipede
“Can millipedes/centipedes survive in the human body?!” exclaims this reader in her submission. She asks with regard to the centipede-like creature she happened to spit out when brushing her teeth.