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Posted in Earthworms

How Can I Identify a Strange Worm-like Creature?

Caterpillars have multiple legs which enable them to crawl and climb like no other climbing herbivore on the planet. Worm movements are peristaltic, meaning, they move about through muscle contractions. Caterpillars use passive grip to tackle the most complex objects, bending, twisting, and crumpling their way up, down, and around these objects.

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Posted in Garden Worms Interesting Worms Segmented Worms Annelida

Identify a Worm Like Creature

Worms and caterpillars are not the only worm-like creatures that have differences. Some people are quick to confuse millipedes and centipedes with worms. The obvious differences between these creatures is the fast movement of these leggy creatures and the thousands of tiny legs attached to the body.