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Posted in Carpet Beetle Larvae Pest Worms Worms Found in the House

Bug of Brown Stripes and Bantam Bristles is a Carpet Beetle Larva

“I found this bug in my pantry. I’m not sure what it is?” asks this reader about the little critter photographed below. The bug looks to have a bristly, ovate body and has horizontal stripes of varying shades of brown; it looks exactly like a carpet beetle larva.

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Posted in Carpet Beetle Larvae Pest Worms Worms Found in the House

Carpet Beetle Larva Discovered Inside a Pill Box

A small, striped worm-like creature was found inside the pill box of this reader, who has identified the creature as a carpet beetle larva. She wonders if the carpet beetle larva may have some how come from inside her vitamin and if that is at all possible.