Tag: brown carpet beetle larvae
Ovate, Brown Worm on Shirt Sleeve is a Carpet Beetle Larva
A worm was found on the shirt sleeve of this reader who wonders if we could help determine what it might be. Although the photograph is quite blurry, we can still discern the worm’s ovate shape and light brown color.
Brown & Tan-Striped Bugs are Carpet Beetle Larvae
Two photographs of some kind of creature were sent in by this woman who wonders what they might be. The creatures in question appear to be brown and tan-striped, sport multiple pairs of forelegs, and are somewhat oval in shape.
Tan & Yellow-Striped Bug in NYC Apartment is a Carpet Beetle Larva
A woman recently contacted us with the following image of a bug she estimates to be about 1/4-inch or smaller. She found this creature on her couch, and from the picture we can see it is brown and tan striped in color, with a darker brown head at one of its ends.