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Posted in Drain Fly Larvae Worms Facts Worms Found in the House

Black Worm in Bathroom is a Drain Fly Larva

“I found this in my bathroom and don’t know what it is”, writes Dainé in her submission regarding the bristly, black worm pictured below. “Could you please help me?” We are, of course, happy to help Dainé identify this creature. Although she does not provide much context, the little that we are provided, coupled with the fantastic photo, is enough for us to identify this organism, which is a drain fly larva. Otherwise known as moth flies, drain flies are commonly considered pests, though we would argue they really are not: they do not damage anything in the home, and they pose no real health threat other than potentially causing asthmatic reactions if an infestation of them is left for too long. Drain flies are attracted to bathrooms which have been left uncleaned or unused for a long time, laying its eggs on the organic film that forms in the lip of drains.

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Posted in Drain Fly Larvae Worms Facts Worms Found in the House

Worm-like Critters in Cat Fountain are Drain Fly Larvae

“I found these worm-like critters living in my cat’s automatic waterer”, writes Linda about the black creatures pictured below. “What are they and where did they come from?” Based on the excellent photo and the context that Linda provided us, we think she found drain fly larvae in the waterer. Drain fly larvae are harmless to humans and cats, but can be quite a nuisance. As their name suggests, they are found near or inside drains, as the adult flies lay their eggs on the organic film that forms in the lip of a drain. They do this because the diet of the larvae largely consists of the organisms that grow in stagnant water, like algae and fungi, as well as microorganisms.

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Posted in Drain Fly Larvae Worms Found in the House Worms Generally

Little Black Live Worms in Shower are Drain Fly Larvae

Little live black worms have been appearing in this reader’s shower, who has “cleaned & cleaned & cleaned” in an attempt to get rid of them, to no avail. She wonders if we can tell her what the worms are and how to get rid of them.