Tag: Black Soldier Fly
Worm Hanging Out in Bicycle Shop Is Black Soldier Fly Larva
Black soldier fly larvae, a.k.a. BSFL, are common and widespread creatures. They aren’t considered pests or vector species, which means they generally don’t cause damage, destruction, or bring up any health concerns.
Unknown worm-like creature could possibly be black soldier fly larva
One reader of ours sent us a picture of a black worm-like creature. It is about the size of a quarter and our reader was very curious about what it may be. After looking at the picture, there is a strong possibility that this is a black soldier fly larva.
The Phoenix Worm
Phoenix Worms, despite their name, are not worms – rather, they are the larvae of the black soldier fly – and as far as we know they have no special connection to the city of Phoenix (other than that they thrive in compost bins even in extremely hot whether, something that can’t be said of another prolific creature of composting – the red worm). The name “Phoenix Worms” was given to the larvae by Dr. Craig Sheppard, who started selling BSFL (as black soldier fly larvae are frequently called) as feeder insects – for certain types of reptiles, for example. We recently received a question about Phoenix Worms, and it is one of the stranger ones we’ve been sent in awhile. (To be sure, it is a downright normal question compared to the one we received about selling worms in a milk jug that had been buried for six months.)
The Black Soldier Fly
The black soldier fly, which goes by the scientific name Hermetia illucens, is a very common type of fly. It belongs to the family Stratiomyidae, which is composed of roughly 1,500 species that are often simply known as soldier flies. Because of their helpful role in composting, the larvae of black soldier flies (often called “BSFL” or “Phoenix Worms”) are perhaps better known than the adult flies. In this article, we’ll give some basic information about both black soldier flies and the larval form of this creature.