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Posted in Caterpillars Garden Worms Pest Worms

Black and Yellow Worm is an Orange-tipped Oakworm

A rather large, creature was found in the suburbs of Philadelphia, PA by a woman who wonders if we can identify it for her. From the excellent photograph provided by our reader, one can see that the creature in question is black with yellow stripes, and is about 2.5-inches in length, according to our reader.

mystery bug
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Posted in Caterpillars

Hairy Caterpillar with Black and Yellow Stripes

We received the following email a little while ago: “it’s black with yellowish stripes and hairy. What is it?!” That is the entire message, and no picture was sent with the email. We presume our reader found some sort of creature that he wanted us to identify, and just decided to convey this desire in the most concise manner possible. Based on its description, it sounds like our reader found a caterpillar, so below we explore some caterpillars that are hairy and have black and yellow stripes.