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Posted in Carpet Beetle Larvae Pest Worms Worms Found in the House

Dark-colored Organism with Bristly Appendages is a Black Carpet Beetle Larva

“What is this worm?” asks this reader about an organism she found. The organism in question appears to be black in color, with multiple hair-thin appendages spiking out from the sides of its body.

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Posted in Carpet Beetle Larvae Pest Worms Worms Found in the House

Bristly Worms on Bed are Carpet Beetle Larvae

A reader wrote to us recently about a “worm/bug” he has been finding on his bed sheets for several days in a row. Upon zooming in on one of the photos our reader sent in, the creature in question appears to be ovate in shape, black and white in color (though given the image’s quality this is uncertain), and has bristles surrounding its body.