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Posted in Centipedes and Millipedes

Worm Discovered in Shower is a Millipede or Centipede

We believe the creatures our reader found in his bathroom are probably millipedes. Millipedes are harmless and not usually classified as household pests, which means they don’t cause damage or destruction inside a home, so our reader has nothing to worry about!

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Posted in Earthworms Worms Found in the House

Is Red Worm in Toilet Parasitic?

We don’t think the red worm our reader found in her toilet is a parasite, rather we believe it is either an earthworm or a bloodworm. Of course, it is good that she went to see a doctor, and she should refer to them for medical advice on the matter!

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Posted in Interesting Worms

Long, Thin Red Worm in Air Vent of Bathroom

A reader wrote to us a couple of days ago about a long, thin red worm that she found in the air vent of her bathroom. The worm is about three or four inches (seven to ten centimeters) long and “about half as thick as your typical earthworm.” The head of the worm had two “‘horns'” on it. (The reader put the word “horns” in quotes, of course indicating that she is using the word loosely, and hence the double quotes in the preceding sentence.) The reader had only one question: what is the long, thin red worm (with some sort of horns) in the air vent of the bathroom, assuming it is even a worm?

carpet beetle larva
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Posted in Meal Worms Pest Worms

Tiny Brown Worms in Laundry, Bathroom, and Kitchen

A reader wrote to us about some tiny brown worms she has been finding in various places around her house, including her laundry basket, her bathroom, and her kitchen counter. When the reader says “tiny,” she means it, as she only estimates the worms to be about a quarter of an inch (or six millimeters) in length. The reader says that the worms look like the “ones found in old baking flour,” although she herself hasn’t found them in baking flour. She is wondering what the tiny brown worms are, and she is also wondering how she can get rid of them.

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Posted in Pest Worms

Worms (Larvae?) in the Bathroom

We received a question recently about a worm that a reader found in his bathroom. More precisely, the worm was found in the “gunk” between the tub and sliding door. The reader actually said he “found a ‘worm’ in the bathroom,” which we call attention to only because of the reader’s use of scare quotes. The reader acknowledges that he might not have found a worm at all, and in fact he probably didn’t. The “worm” in the bathroom could be a larva (or something else – it’s hard to say, as you’ll see). The reader was wondering what he had found, and also if a mere cleaning could address the problem.

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Posted in Gross Worms Pest Worms

Worms on the Bathroom Floor

A rather distressed reader wrote to us the other day about some worms he found on the bathroom floor. To his further chagrin and disgust (the word “yuck,” all letters capitalized, appeared twice in the reader’s email), he also found one of the worms in the basket of his dirty laundry. The worms are small, about one centimeter in length, and they are a clear brownish color. The worms also have several horizontal lines on their body. What are these small worms on the bathroom floor, and what can our reader do to get rid of them?

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Posted in Gross Worms

Small Worms in the Bathroom

A reader wrote to us wondering what the “thin wiggly worms” found in his bathroom might be. Unfortunately, “thin” and “wiggly” are the only adjectives used to describe the bathroom worm, and we’re not sure what part of the world the reader wrote in from. Given these facts, we can only speculate, but in speculating, we can at least point out a couple of worms – or rather larvae – commonly found in bathrooms.