Tag: armyworm
Cluster of Eggs in Cotton-Like Webbing are Fall Armyworms
A patch of “cotton-looking structures” were found attached to the brick outside of this reader’s front door. Our reader wonders what “brand of creature” these may be, which appear to be as white in color as the cotton-like webbing they were found in.
Creepy Crawlies on Concrete May be Armyworms
We received a question from a reader who has many little creepy-crawlies on his concrete in his yard. He says that some of his neighbors have a few, but that he has an absolute infestation. What are these little creatures, he wants to know, and wonders if they are related to his olive trees.
Banana Worm Bread
Yes, banana worm bread is actually made with real worms. If roasted worms are not your thing, there are several other versions of the real deal that might be more suitable for the human palate.