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Posted in Caterpillars Worms Facts Worms Generally

Gray Worms Swarming Laundry Basket are Newly-hatched Caterpillars

“What is this?” is all this reader asks about the minuscule, gray, worm-like creatures pictured below. They seem to be swarming a laundry basket. Despite the lack of context, and the low resolution photo, we do have a couple of suggestions for that these critters could be. Given their gray coloration and bulbous black heads, these look like newly-hatched armyworms or American ermine moth caterpillars. It is odd that our reader found them on her laundry hamper, only because neither of these species feed on textiles, like the clothes moth caterpillar or the carpet beetle larva.

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Group of Tiny, Gray Worms are Newly-hatched American Ermine Moth Caterpillars

“I found other pictures that look like these and you said it was a moth”, writes this reader about the tiny, gray, worm-like creatures pictured below. “I’m interested in knowing what kind of moth larvae they are, and whether wiping it off got rid of them, or if I need to bomb them, hire an exterminator, etc. I’m looking for recommendations on the process and what products would be helpful to ensure they don’t come back. Your site is very helpful.” To start with, we want to thank our reader for the compliment: we always aim to be as helpful as we can, and we hope we can provide that same service to her. Now, there is a lot to unpack here, so we will just address each part of our reader’s submission in turn.

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Posted in Army Worms Garden Worms Worms Found in the House Worms Generally

Cluster of Gray Worm-like Creatures are Armyworms

“We just discovered this cluster on the wall toward the ceiling”, writes Hillary in her submission regarding the multitude of gray worm-like creatures pictured below. “Google tells me they might be Army Worms. Do you agree? If so, how do we get rid of them? We live in Maryland, if that’s helpful for the region. Thank you!” Right off the bat, we have to commend Hillary for her sleuthing: these are most likely armyworms. They could also be American ermine moth larvae – another species of moth that lays their eggs in such clusters. Though, if these were American ermine moth larvae, Hillary would have likely also spotted a cluster of translucent eggs next to the larvae, so for that reason, we would agree that these are armyworms.

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Posted in Caterpillars Worms Facts Worms Generally

Hundreds of Tiny Black Bugs on Cords are Newly-hatched Moth Larvae

“What are these little worm-like bugs?” asks this reader in her submission regarding the horde of tiny, black creatures pictured below. “They literally appeared overnight, and were attached to the cord on my blinds. They stick off horizontally and kinda wiggle.” Based on the number of these found, as well as their appearance, we would say that these are newly-hatched moth caterpillars, specifically American ermine moth caterpillars, though they could also be fall armyworms. At this early on in their life cycle, it is difficult to tell the difference between the two species.

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Posted in Caterpillars Worms Facts Worms Found in the House

“Thread-like”, Gray-Black Worms are American Ermine Moth Caterpillars

“These are small thread-like worms: they were also seen hanging,” says this reader about the blackish worm-like critters in the photo below. The creatures have a “fur-like spin” and our reader asks if we think they are “dangerous or harmful”.

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Cluster of Tiny Gray Worms are Either Armyworms or American Ermine Moth Larvae

“Can you identify these larvae?” asks this reader about the large group of tiny worm-like organisms pictured below. The creatures were found “on a built-in bookcase in [her] home.”

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“Yikes!” Say This Couple Upon Discovering Cluster of American Ermine Moth Larvae On Their Ceiling

“My wife and I saw something on our ceiling and thought it was a stain until I got closer with a flashlight and realized it was moving,” writes this couple about a cluster of larvae they discovered in their home. From our reader’s description of them, it is clear that the larvae are minuscule in size, and in addition to that the larvae appear to be a gray translucent color with black heads.

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Patches of Worms found in New Hampshire House are American Ermine Moth Larvae

Patches of tiny, clear worms with black heads were discovered in this woman’s New Hampshire home. She is grossed out by the worms and asks for our help.