Super Tiny Worm-like Organisms Bite this Woman, Leaving Welts

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“Can you help me identify this worm?” asks this reader in her submission regarding the white organism pictured below. “It’s super tiny and I have been getting bites which have left welts. The last ones have even pushed up.” We are not exactly sure what our reader means in this last sentence, but, in any case, we will unfortunately not be able to identify this worm-like critter. This is due to our reader expressly stating that the organism is harming her body, and as such, the situation becomes potentially medical in nature. Since we are not medical professionals, we are not qualified, or legally able, to identify such creatures, as doing so would be tantamount to providing a medical diagnosis.

What we recommend is that our reader consult a medical professional, and specifically that she consult a medical parasitologist. Primary care doctors and ER doctors typically do not receive training in parasitology, and we have had many cases of readers going to their doctors with concerns about parasites (or just organisms biting them or harming them in some way), and they have been turned away by their doctors, sometimes with nasty remarks. To be clear though, we are not suggesting that our reader has parasites, but a medical parasitologist is exactly the type of person that will be able to tell our reader if she is dealing with parasites or not, and if these organisms are anything to worry about.

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So, with all of that said, what we can recommend is that our reader do one or more of the following:
1) Search for a medical parasitologist in her area using this directory of medical parasitology consultants:
2) Search for a local parasitologist by doing a Google search for “medical parasitologist (name of the closest big city)” or “tropical medicine specialist (name of the closest big city)”.
3) Get in touch with Dr. Omar Amin at the Parasitology Center at

To conclude, we are neither qualified nor legally able to identify the organism our reader is asking us about, as the situation is potentially medical in nature, and at the very least needs a medical professional’s eye. We hope nonetheless that we were able to help in some way, and we wish our reader the very best!

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Super Tiny Worm-like Organisms Bite this Woman, Leaving Welts
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Super Tiny Worm-like Organisms Bite this Woman, Leaving Welts
"Can you help me identify this worm?" asks this reader in her submission regarding the white organism pictured below. "It’s super tiny and I have been getting bites which have left welts. The last ones have even pushed up." We are not exactly sure what our reader means in this last sentence, but, in any case, we will unfortunately not be able to identify this worm-like critter. This is due to our reader expressly stating that the organism is harming her body, and as such, the situation becomes potentially medical in nature. Since we are not medical professionals, we are not qualified, or legally able, to identify such creatures, as doing so would be tantamount to providing a medical diagnosis.

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Author: Worm Researcher Anton

2 thoughts on “Super Tiny Worm-like Organisms Bite this Woman, Leaving Welts

  1. Looks similar to what I had a problem with last year. They were horrific for months but I finally managed to get control over them and stop them from attacking me. They felt like getting stung by a bee and entered your skin via the palms of your hands and feet. The white shell is just a covering. I am still getting rid of them out of my skin and internal. Not fun and still not positive what they are but they look like a tiny piece of hair or thread without the covering on. I have videos on my YT channel and will be uploading a bunch more soon, just have to make the time. YT channel Robyn_With_A_Y

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