A reader just wrote to us about some creatures they found while moving some items around. While rearranging some sheets and blankets, they saw a salt-like substance spilled on the items. Looking closer, they noticed that these were tiny, solid black larvae. They think that these were likely larvae that hatched from the salt-like eggs. These creatures were very tiny and thin, had no segments and no color variation, and didn’t move from a “C” shape. They wonder what these are and if they should warrant concern.
They didn’t send a photo because they do not have a camera or a camera-phone. Without a photo, we cannot make a solid identification, but we can offer some suggestions as to what these may be.
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Our first thought is that these are flea larvae. Flea larvae are extremely tiny, and they hatch from eggs. While most people associate fleas with pets, these creatures might be located other places than a pets fur. However, if our reader does have a pet, it is more likely that these are what they are dealing with. They should begin by treating their pet for fleas, and also thoroughly vacuuming and sweeping their home.
Our second idea is that these are millipedes. However, we don’t think this is very likely. Like the creature our reader found, millipedes curl up into a “C” shape as a defense mechanism. However, unlike the creature our reader found, millipedes are segmented and of more substantial size.
Our final thought is that these are carpet beetle larvae. Carpet beetle larvae feed on pet hairs, dust particles, linens, and other fibers found around a house. They are often found in sheets or carpet. While the location of discovery is a match, based on the description we are hesitant to confirm this identification.
Overall, a reader sent us a description of some tiny black larva he found in some sheets. We gave some of our thoughts on the matter, but we think these are probably flea larvae. If our reader doesn’t agree with any of these ideas, we suggest they send in a photo if they can find a way.
All About Worms is always free, always reader-supported, we don't subject you to ads or annoying video pop-ups. But it does cost us money out of our pocket to keep the site going (nearly 20 years so far!) So your tips via CashApp, Venmo, or Paypal are appreciated! Receipts will come from ISIPP Publishing.