“What kind of insect is this and how do I get rid of this?” asks Prashant in his submission regarding the array of bugs and worm-like creatures pictured below. “It’s coming out from a corner of furniture which is fixed (attached) to the wall and has a very small gap between the wall and furniture. This wall is near the bathroom and exposed to sun and rain. We stay on the seventh floor of the apartment building. These are very tiny crawling insects, around 2-3mm in length, with very delicate bodies. Color is mostly pale yellow to brown and the body has stripes. They are coming out at a frequency of 10-15 per hour. It’s been a week since I observed them. Earlier there used to be more quantities of larva-like insects but now it’s mixed with some other insects: black brown insects. The larvae also have a couple of legs (or may be antennae) and crawl at a speed of 1 meter in 5 mins. Sometimes I have observed black, smooth, powder-like substances falling from the wall-side of the furniture, near the same area. I have made sure that there is no food left anywhere near the area. An identification of the insect and a solution is highly appreciated.”
Based on the photo he sent in, as well as the context, we think these creatures are some type of beetle. The adult insect’s body shape and antennae point to this conclusion, so we think it is likely that the worm-like creatures are the larvae of these beetles. The reason why Prashant will be finding more and more of the adult beetles as time goes on, and less larvae, is because the larvae will mature, pupate, and transform into the adult beetles we see in the photo. However, if the infestation continues, more larvae will show up again so that they can continue this cycle and munch on whatever it is they are munching on in Prashant’s home. Given where they were found, we think it is likely that they are some type of wood-eating pest. Alternatively, given the coloration Prashant describes (though we can’t see it), they could be cucumber beetles, though this species of beetle would have no business infesting furniture.
Regardless, we advise that Prashant contact pest control or some other relevant professional to identify if these are wood-eating pests. These types of pests are hard to find and very hard to eliminate, and it is best left to professionals to deal with. Of course, there is a chance that we are wrong and that these are not wood-eating pests, but a professional would be able to confirm or deny this either way. They would not treat a home that they have not verified is suffering from such an infestation. That said, consultations can be expensive depending on what company you call, and we understand if Prashant wants to avoid such costs. Before calling anybody, we recommend that he check the furniture for any holes, as that will tell him if these bugs are eating his furniture. It is possible that they just crawled through a gap in the walls or floors, or through a window, and that the eggs were laid between Prashant’s furniture and the wall, and that is why they are coming from there. In any case, we recommend he scoop these bugs onto a dustpan and move them outside, but that he keeps the photos he sent us to show any professionals he might contact.
In conclusion, we think the bugs Prashant found are beetles, though we are not sure exactly what kind. We hope nonetheless that we were able to help in some small way, and we wish Prashant the very best!
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