Seeding Catalpa Worm Trees

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The catalpa tree belongs to the family Bignoniceae. It is classified as Catalpa bignonioides.

“Catalpa Tree” is the common name of a tree of the bignonia family. The species is cultivated as an ornamental shade tree, growing to up to 40 feet tall (12 m). Native to the United States, the catalpa tree has silver-gray bark, widely spread branches, and large, pale-green, heart-shaped leaves. The catalpa tree flowers are white, tinged, and dotted with violet or purple. Long, beanlike pods called “Indian beans,” that sometimes hang on the limbs all winter, succeed them. The seeds are winged. Catalpa wood, even in its rawest form, is light and fine and useful in cabinetwork.

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There are two ways to plant a catalpa tree. You can buy a small catalpa tree to plant, this will also give you access to seeds, or you can start fresh with catalpa seeds. Transplanted catalpa trees will grow almost anywhere. This means that you can plant them in just about any soil. It is important to note that catalpa trees need plenty of sun and they need to be watered frequently. When young, catalpa trees grow quickly. If you prefer to plant catalpa seeds, you should sow in late fall or early spring. Cover the area lightly and let nature take its course. You can purchase catalpa seeds or catalpa trees from most nurseries.

About the Catalpa Worm

The catalpa worm is the larva of the sphinx moth. This black and yellow caterpillar infests the catalpa tree, feeding mainly off of the trees leaves. It is considered a pest mainly because the catalpa tree is popular for it’s magnificent wood, which is used for fine cabinetry.

Also called “Catawba” worms, the catalpa worm has both friends and enemies. Lovers of the catalpa tree may employ several methods to destroy these “pests” while fishermen will plant catalpa trees specifically to attract catalpa worms. Fishermen prize these worms as fish bait due to their tough skin and juicy bodies. Catalpa worms can even be frozen for fish bait and used at a later time. The catalpa worm is considered excellent bait for catfish. In addition to their usefulness to fishermen, catalpa worms are prized for their attractiveness in many places across the U.S., such as Georgia. While some larvae are black with yellow stripes running down the sides, others are white with black splotches. Catalpa worms also have a major distinctive feature – it’s tail. The catalpa worm has a tail-like horn on its rear end.

Catalpa tree lovers prefer to avoid an infestation at any cost or extinguish it, but it is believed that while the catalpa worm can defoliate the catalpa tree up to three times each summer, there appears to be no major consequences to the tree.

An infested catalpa tree can have hundreds, if not thousands of larvae. In fact, if one were to stand under a catalpa tree filled with catalpa worms, it would be like standing in a drizzling rain, except the “rain” would be a steady drizzle of falling frass or rather, caterpillar poop.

Once the catalpa worm has fed to capacity, it drops from the tree and pupates in the soil below. The following spring, the catalpa worm will emerge as a hummingbird moth — the catalpa sphinx moth. The moth isn’t quite as colorful or unique as the larva. They are dull gray and nocturnal, so chances are you will never actually see one.

If you are convinced that the catalpa worm is ruining your catalpa tree, there are several ways to get rid of them. Preventative measures include insecticides such as Ortho Grub-B-Gon Max, Merit, Arena, Mach2, and Season-Long Grub Control. Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) is also effective. Bt is a live microorganism that kills certain insects. It is used to kill unwelcome insects in forests, agriculture, and urban areas. Bt and other insecticides may be purchased online or at a variety of home and garden retailers.

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Author: The Top Worm

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