Screwworm Flies and How to Get Rid of Them

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Screwworm flies (a.k.a. “screw-worm flies” and “New World screwworm flies”) belong to the genus Cochliomyia. Within this genus, there are four different species, but only one of the species is a screwworm fly, which is known as Cochliomyia hominivorax. A reader recently wrote to us regarding the screwworm fly, asking how a human can rid him or herself of this parasitic worm. First, we will give a brief overview of the screwworm, explaining what it is, and then we will address the reader’s question specifically.

Some screwworms
Some screwworms

Screwworm flies are best known for the damage they cause in the larvae stage of their life cycle (i.e., when the screwworm flies are still maggots). It is in this stage that screwworm larvae feed on the living tissue of endothermic (colloquially called “warm-blooded”) animals. The infestation of a vertebrate animal that is alive is called “myiasis,” which is a serious problem for the livestock industry. However, as our reader’s question implies, myiasis can also affect humans, and indeed this occurs with relative frequency in rural and tropical regions of the world. The disturbing thing about screwworm maggots is that they attack living tissue, whereas other types of maggots tend to consume dead flesh. (Lots of us have probably seen those disturbing pictures of animal corpses being disintegrated by hordes of maggots. Buy hey, at least the animal is dead.)

Screwworm flies lay around 200-250 eggs in the exposed flesh (e.g., an open wound) of animals and humans. The larvae quickly hatch and begin to consume the flesh of the host animal. If the wound is disturbed (perhaps by getting stitches, e.g.), the larvae will burrow deeper into the flesh; in other words, the larvae will “screw” themselves into the host, and hence the name “screwworm flies.”

Fortunately, screwworm flies have been eradicated from some parts of the globe, including the United States, Mexico, and Central America, but they remain in other parts of the world, such as Africa and India. And this brings us back to our reader’s question: if you are infected by the larvae of a screwworm fly, how do you go about addressing the problem?

If a person or animal is confirmed to have a screwworm infestation (which can be recognized by a number of symptoms, such as a reddish-brown excretion leaking from the infected wound), the first step, not surprisingly, is to go to a medical professional so that he or she can remove the screwworm larvae with tools like tweezers or forceps. After all the screwworm larvae have been removed, a topical antibiotic is applied to the wound, and this is often accompanied by an antibiotic that is taken orally. Necrotic (i.e., dead) tissue that results from the infestation may need to be removed, which can be painful. The dressing of the wound will need to remain loose so that fluid can continue to drain from the wound. If the infestation is treated professionally and thoroughly, positive results are common, but unfortunately there is high rate of secondary infection if the initial infection is not rigorously addressed.

Of course, it is preferable to avoid infestation in the first place, and the best method to achieve this end is to make sure that any wound on an animal or person is dressed properly with an antibiotic ointment and a bandage. It is also essentially to examine wounds frequently so that any infestation symptom can be spotted early.


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7 thoughts on “Screwworm Flies and How to Get Rid of Them

  1. Very frustrating!! I’ve never had any issues picking my skin or being out of my mind, but lately I feel I am. I have three small kids and I work full time as a nurse. At night I enjoy painting when it’s quiet, lately I feel I’m getting bit by something I will feel almost like a mosquito bite with a kick. When I look at my skin I see a back dot. Then I watch this black dot and actually have video of it burrowing inside my leg. My fiancé and I fight constantly he makes me feel like I’m going crazy but won’t dare look at a video I took. I went and bought a microscope, but I don’t see anything coming out of my skin moving. Sometimes maybe a slight move but not sure. I have massive burrows on multiple spots on my hands, feel, and legs. I’m filling up with fluid and I went to the hospital they told me I was crazy and write me a script for atarax. My primary care did a stool and to me looking at it in the clear tube it definitely had something but came back negative. I got thrown out of two walk ins, because that’s not for a walk in they said they only do cuts and bruises type stuff. I itch on my legs and my scalp my scalp never itched I had beautiful legs and now these won’t heal! I pick so much crap out of them but I don’t know what any of it is. Both of my legs from the ankle to toes I have a spotted discoloration that is so bad I don’t know if I will ever be able to wear shorts. I’ve tried so many different creams sprays it’s to much, and no one has any answers for me they are quick to do a urine to make sure I’m not on drugs. I’ve never been faced with anything like this in my whole life. I set the camera up on a steady chair so I can record what’s going on with the holes and I see things moving in it white in color very small but still can’t get a moving anything out of them…

  2. My sister in Tennessee just had a screwworm removed from her lamb today, August 3, 2023. The article claims they’ve been eradicated from the United States but sadly is not the case! Be careful out there and know how to detect them in your animal, or you! She showed me a picture and it looks like a huge boil in the skin. The hair around it was gone as well. The vet pulled it out. yuck!!!

  3. 3 people in my household have a skin infestation with white worms. I think it may be screw worms. Do the people need to be keep away from others. Is it contagious? How do I treat the house? We live in North Florida in a rural area.

  4. My friend has been going through painful rash itching. Has been seen by many Drs and infectious disease and no one could figure out what she has. Said it could be flea dander from cat. Is always in pain. Gets rash then goes away and comes back. Don’t know if this is what she has but just inquiring to check.

  5. I’d be extremely careful in trying to help this sick squirrel. Some squirrels often carry rabies, which in itself is very dangerous to have contracted. I kinda know where your heart is, I’d probably want to help it also. Do you have any children ? If you start trying to help it, I think that this squirrel’s going to want to hang around. Squirrels are cute and all but I really wouldn’t want a new tenant at my home. Would you ? As I said, “please be careful” becuse a squirrel bite can be deadly ! may be sickened for a long, long time. Think about the other members of the family ? You wouldn’t want to see them go through the ordeal of rabie shots, or possibly even death ! Take care of yourself, and let the squirrels sickness run its course. I’m a caring reader named Bill Pluta. ” I’m a friend you haven’t met yet ! God bless you and all the members of your family !!

  6. Thanks for the info. Their is a grey squirrel that I feed that appears to have this condition. Is there some way I can help it? Thanks, Rich

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