Red Worm-like Organisms Pulled from Woman’s Nose: Medical Consultation is Advised

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“I have these different looking worm types that I pull out of my nose,” states this reader about the red organisms pictured below. Our reader does not ask any specific questions in her submission, but we assume she wants our help identifying the creatures.

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To start off with, we want to provide our readers with viewer discretion, as the following images may prove uncomfortable for people sensitive to images of blood and slimy organisms.

The pictures our reader sent in are of the creatures from her nose, but she adds that she has also had “things” coming from her scalp which “almost look like little pin tip black heads”, which are situated “in a row” and are “raised under the scalp.” We are not entirely sure what our reader means with this description, but these are the type of details we think she ought to share with a medical professional.

On that note, it is consulting a medical professional that we suggest our reader do. Unfortunately, as we are not medical professionals ourselves, we are not qualified or able to directly help our reader with her issue. This means that we will also not be able to provide an identification of the organisms, as doing so would be tantamount to providing a diagnosis. In particular, we suggest that our reader see a medical parasitologist, as they specialize in the area of organisms that infect the human body.

So, what we can recommend is that our reader do one or more of the following:
1) Search for a medical parasitologist in her area using this directory of medical parasitology consultants:
2) Search for a local parasitologist by doing a Google search for “medical parasitologist (name of the closest big city)” or “tropical medicine specialist (name of the closest big city)”.
3) Get in touch with Dr. Omar Amin at the Parasitology Center at
To conclude, we are not qualified to tell our reader what it is she is dealing with, nor are we qualified to give any medical advice. All we can do is point our reader in the right direction, and we hope that the resources above prove useful to our reader. We wish her the very best!

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Red Worm-like Organisms Pulled from Woman's Nose: Medical Consultation is Advised
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Red Worm-like Organisms Pulled from Woman's Nose: Medical Consultation is Advised
"I have these different looking worm types that I pull out of my nose," states this reader about the red organisms pictured below. Our reader does not ask any specific questions in her submission, but we assume she wants our help identifying the creatures.

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Author: Worm Researcher Anton

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