Red Worm Biology

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Red worms are epigeic earthworms. What this means is, red worms belong to an ecological group of worms that are litter feeders and dwellers. This also means red worms are pigmented and small in size. Epigeic worms such as red worms live in the top 12 inches of soil and they do not burrow. Red worms feed on organic decaying matter. They have been breaking down organic waste to make natural fertilizer for millions of years. These special worms are non-migratory, but they are adaptable to many environments.

Also called brandlings, earthworms, manure worms, trout worms, compost worms, and tiger worms, red worms can be used for everything from composting to fertilizer to fish bait. The two most common uses for red worms include composting and fish bait. Red worms are used to recycle food scraps by vermicomposting. Vermicomposting is a method of composting food scraps by adding red worms to them in a specially prepared bin or box. In just one day, red wormscan consume organic material equivalent to their body weight to produce castings equal to 75% of their body weight. Red worms can convert organic materials into high quality humus, which will provide gardens with earthworm castings, which is considered a complete (and powerful) natural fertilizer.

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The great thing about using red worms for composting is you will never run out of them and they are kept alive. Red worms are very productive breeders. They lay one egg capsule every seven days or so and each capsule hatches an average of three to four earthworms. Hatched earthworms typically grow into breeders in roughly three months. The way to keep the red worms productive is to keep them healthy and happy. If you have a roomy bin (a 5-gallon bucket or other container), the best type of “bedding” such as peat moss, water for moisture, and organic materials such as fruit and vegetable peels, your red worms will be well-fed, comfortable, and productive.

General maintenance is also important to the health of your red worms for composting. This means that there are several do’s and don’ts of raising red worms. These include:

·Don’t keep your worm bin in direct sunlight.
·Do keep your worms ideal locations such as the basement, a closet or under the kitchen sink.
·Do lightly toss the bedding every week or two, allowing the bedding at the bottom of the bin to be on the top. This process will allow sufficient oxygen to be throughout the bedding. Remember, red worms absorb oxygen through their bodies.
·Do lightly spray red worm bedding that appears to be getting dry.

Red worms for fish bait

Trout, crappie, perch, and bluegill prefer red worms worms. These are just a few of the types of fish that prefer small baits. Red worms are quite easy to use as bait as they can ‘survive’ a wide range of temperatures ranging from 38 to 95 degrees Fahrenheit. Once on the hook, the red worm becomes quite active. Red worms can last a long time under water, unlike many other different types of earthworms.

To purchase red worms worms, visit any pet store or fish & bait store. You can also order live red worms through a number of online retailers. Simply use your favorite search engine to find a suitable red worms seller. Use the search phrase “buy red worms.”

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Author: The Top Worm

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