Red-Brown Worm-like Creature Found on Window Sill Lacks Context and an Identity

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“I have one on my window sill but it’s about 1-inch long” is all this reader states in his query concerning the multiple worm-like creatures in the photo below. Due to the far away shot and poor resolution, it is difficult to make out the details on these creatures, but they appear to be red-brown in color.

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We must be honest and state that neither the photo nor the context, or lack thereof, are enough for us to be able to make any sort of confident identification. The fact that the creature is 1-inch in length does not tell us much, as there are countless worm-like creatures that fit this description.

Additionally, the fact that it was found on our reader’s window sill tells us more about how the creatures likely got through, rather than their identity. If the creatures did not simply get in through the window when it was open, then there might be a tear somewhere in our reader’s window screen (provided he has one in his window).

In the case that our reader does discover that his window screen is not whole, then we urge him to seal the cracks, or to replace his window screen completely; this will prevent intrusions from all kinds of insects and worms.

Now, if our reader does want to find out the specific identity of these critters, perhaps because he is concerned for his health and safety, or because he is worried that they are pests, or simply because he is curious, then there are a few things he can do.

Firstly, he could send us more, close-up pictures of the creatures, making sure that the quality is as crisp as possible, so that we can make out all of the details.

Secondly, he can send in more context. Information he might include is: how many of the worm-like creatures he found, their behavior, where he is geographically located, when he found them, and so on.

Thirdly, he could put a few of the creatures in a box with some air holes and food (try various foods such as leaves from various plants, oats (or other grains), some fruit, and other organic materials he can think of) and see what they might grow up into.

If they are caterpillars, then they will undergo a stage of pupation, during which they spin a silken chrysalis that they will stay in for a period of time before emerging as moths or butterflies. Either way, they might mature into something with more discernible features that make them easier to identify. If he does go about it that way, then he is still welcome to send more pictures and context after they have matured, as well as send us updates along the way.

To conclude, we are not sure what our reader found. We hope nonetheless that this article is of some use to him, and that, if he does want a specific identification on the creatures, he contacts us with more pictures and context. In any case, we wish him the best!

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Red-Brown Worm-like Creature Found on Window Sill Lacks Context and an Identity
Article Name
Red-Brown Worm-like Creature Found on Window Sill Lacks Context and an Identity
"I have one on my window sill but it's about 1-inch long" is all this reader states in his query concerning the multiple worm-like creatures in the photo below. Due to the far away shot and poor resolution, it is difficult to make out the details on these creatures, but they appear to be red-brown in color.

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Author: Worm Researcher Anton

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