Reader Thanks Us with Cool Video of Palm Worm!

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“Thank you so much for posting your pictures on the palm worm,” states this reader who found such a worm in her bathroom and kitchen table. After initially sending us a query about this worm and being worried about its presence in her home, she now reports no longer being concerned about it.

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Palm worms (or palm weevil larvae) are the larvae of the red weevil (Rhynchophorus Ferrugineus), which is a dark red beetle. They derive their name from the trees in which they live, though they are also referred to as sago worms. These creatures are primarily found all over the Asian continent, as well as Spain and the United States (specifically in the South East), though various species can be found in most regions of the world where palm trees grow.

Interestingly, palm worms are edible, and are commonly eaten in Thailand, Ghana and other countries in Asia and Africa. In fact, Thailand has built a booming industry around the farming and consumption of palm worms. They are high in nutritional content, and are supposedly easy to raise. One can eat them raw, boiled, grilled or fried. Pretty much any way that one can cook them is possible.

Similarly, their consumption has been labeled ecological, given that their feeding on palm trees can become harmful when infestations occur. Plus, given that they are not picky about which species of palm trees they feed on, they can spread very quickly as well.

To conclude, this has been a brief overview of palm worms. We thank our reader for the excellent video she sent us, and we are glad she was able to find the answers and solace she was looking for in our articles. We hope that this article proves to be insightful, and we wish her the best.

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Reader Thanks Us with Cool Video of Palm Worm!
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Reader Thanks Us with Cool Video of Palm Worm!
"Thank you so much for posting your pictures on the palm worm," states this reader who found such a worm in her bathroom and kitchen table. After initially sending us a query about this worm and being worried about its presence in her home, she now reports no longer being concerned about it.

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Author: Worm Researcher Anton

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