We just from a reader who discovered some critters in the back of his car. He said he was cleaning his car (which he keeps pretty clean) when he noticed some small creatures. He said that he found them after his friend’s dog rode in his car, and he wonders if they might be related to that. Here are some excellent photos of the specimens:
Any of our readers that tune in often will probably recognize these organisms instantly…these are carpet beetle larvae! We write about these quite often, and we are happy to inform our reader about these little critters.
Carpet beetle larvae, as their name hints, eat carpet, as well as various fibers and particles including dust and animal hair. These larvae might have arrived on the pet dog and then stayed in the car, or they might have been attracted to the animal hair that was left behind by the dog. Either way, our reader has the right idea by cleaning his car. To get rid of these larvae, he should continue to vacuum daily and have his car carpets cleaned if necessary. These larva can be quite destructive, but it seems like our reader has caught the infestation early, and he shouldn’t have a hard time getting rid of them.
To sum up, a reader discovered some rust-colored organisms in his car. We have determined these to be carpet beetle larvae.
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