Reader Believes She has a Parasite-Related Illness

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Yesterday we heard from a reader who believes she has a parasite. She said she is experiencing breakouts with small white dots and tiny white lines after soaking herself with cool water for half an hour. She thinks the small white dots could be eggs, and the tiny white lines might be worms. When she is in the bath she also notices small fruit flies and fungi gnats around her and in the bath water. The latest bump she found is on her shin, and a bundle of thread emerged when the bump was opened.

She believes what she is experiencing is parasite related, and possibly an immunity issue. She thinks it might somehow be related to a parasite associated with the bacterial species Borrelia burgdorferi, which is the predominant causative agent of Lyme disease. Lyme disease is zoonotic, transferred to humans via ticks.

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Our reader wants to know if there are any labs that test for the bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi in humans. She also wants to know if people in the medical community are familiar with the term “inherited virus?” Finally, she told us that she has been evaluated by a psychiatrist and confirmed that she is not suffering from parasitosis, which are delusions of being infect by a parasite.

We are quite concerned about the health of our reader. However, we can’t provide any advice or really any insight at all about what she is going through. We aren’t medical professionals and aren’t qualified to give out medical advice of any kind. We encourage her to see a doctor immediately and bring in any evidence she has (she mentioned she has a video of the thread-like worm coming out of her pore).

In conclusion, one of our readers explained that she believes that she is suffering from a parasite, possibly one that emerges as a thread-like organism from the pores of her skin. We recommend she see her doctor as soon as possible to handle this situation!


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Article Name
Reader Believes She has a Parasite-Related Illness
One of our readers explained that she believes that she is suffering from a parasite, possibly one that emerges as a thread-like organism from the pores of her skin. We recommend she see her doctor as soon as possible to handle this situation!

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Author: Worm Researcher Dori

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