A couple of months ago we heard from a reader about some pink worms he found in his flat. He said they were mostly in the bathroom, but that some appeared in other rooms of the house.
The specimen is segmented, pink, and has a brown head. We believe this is a palm flower moth larva, also known as a Litoprosopus Coachella. These moths are active at night, which might explain why their larvae randomly appear in our reader’s apartment. These caterpillars feed on the buds of palm flowers that grow on palm trees. We aren’t sure how these creatures are finding their way into our reader’s home. They could be sneaking in through an unsealed window or doorway. Our reader should thoroughly clean his entire flat, and check all entryways for cracks that this larva could crawl through.
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To conclude, a reader found a pink worm that we believe in a palm flower moth larva.
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