EXCITING UPDATE! A regular All About Worms reader named Heidi has, after extensive research, discovered both what are these parasites that look like hair that are infecting humans (or at least infecting her), and a cure to eradicate them! Read the write-up of the information that she shared with us here.
“What are these and how do I get rid of them?” asks this reader in Portland, Oregon. She refers to organisms that have been plaguing her for almost five years, showing up in her hair, eyes, ears, feet, skin, stool and urine. First, we need to make it abundantly clear that we will unfortunately not be answering our reader’s question. Considering the fact that the organisms are coming from our reader’s body, and she reports experiencing symptoms (which we will get to later), this situation is clearly medical in nature. Since we are not medical professionals, it is not within our qualifications or capabilities to identify these organisms, as doing so would be tantamount to giving a diagnosis. Secondly, what we also want to point out is that, although we will not be able to provide our reader with any direct answers or advice, we will list some useful resources that she can use to find a medical professional who specializes in this type of condition, and who will be equipped to diagnose and treat it.
All About Worms is always free, always reader-supported, we don't subject you to annoying video or ad pop-ups. But it does cost us money out of our pocket to keep the site going (nearly 20 years so far!) So your tips via CashApp, Venmo, or Paypal are appreciated! Receipts will come from ISIPP Publishing.
With that in mind, we still think it pertinent to detail our reader’s story. As we said, these organisms have been bothering our reader for almost five years, and she is in her sixties. She reports that the creatures seem to “melt” into her skin, clothes and carpets, and that they “sting in defense”. Additionally, they have a 30-day breeding cycle with multiple stages. “Either that or there’s more than one type hanging out on me,” states our reader. Now, the worms are “getting bigger and more aggressive, and their sting is getting stronger.” She has consulted eight doctors in four different hospitals, of which none “have been able to see” these organisms. At one point, she presented a stool sample to one of her doctors and a nurse and explained her situation, and yet “when they came back” with the results, the nurse “suddenly didn’t know what” she “was talking about.” Our reader has understandably become frightened, and it does not help that her doctors dismiss this as “some kind of psychosis”. On top of that, she is “dealing with the fact that doctors don’t want to contradict each others’ diagnoses” and as such do not “put much effort into finding out what is going on.” Our reader’s primary goal is to find out what these creatures are and how she can get rid of them.
So, what we can recommend is that our reader do one or more of the following:
1) Search for a medical parasitologist in Portland using this directory of medical parasitology consultants: https://www.astmh.org/for-astmh-members/clinical-consultants-directory.
2) Search for a local parasitologist by doing a Google search for “medical parasitologist Portland” or “tropical medicine specialist Portland”.
3) Get in touch with Dr. Omar Amin at the Parasitology Center at https://www.parasitetesting.com.
We think and hope that consulting with a parasitologist will prove more beneficial to our reader. As they specialize in the field of parasites and other infectious diseases, they are not as quick to dismiss patients as delusional and will take her issue seriously. It should be noted that the two physicians listed here specifically are available to consult with patients online, so it does not matter how close or far one is from their physical offices. Additionally, a reader of ours recently told us that they had been having difficulty booking a time at IDCare via email or booking an appointment online, so if our reader wants to choose this route, then we recommend calling the office directly instead.
To conclude, we hope that the resources listed above prove helpful to our reader. We really wish we could help more, but alas, we are unfortunately not parasitologists ourselves. We also hope that any of our other readers who might identify with our reader’s story also make haste to consult with a parasitologist, as issues like this should not go ignored: they can be quite serious if left unchecked, and one’s health is their most valuable possession. We wish our reader the very best, and welcome any updates she can provide us along her journey to finding answers and getting treatment.
All About Worms is always free, always reader-supported, we don't subject you to ads or annoying video pop-ups. But it does cost us money out of our pocket to keep the site going (nearly 20 years so far!) So your tips via CashApp, Venmo, or Paypal are appreciated! Receipts will come from ISIPP Publishing.
It’s called morgellans disease.I hope I spelled that correctly.I myself have been living with this for a few years.I am part of a support group on Facebook for it.
Link to group please! I’m at wits end it’s going on like 12 years! I self diagnosed myself as morgellons after like the 1st 2 years. I’m miserable they get worse and worse and still no help from doctors and I have videos now.of worms coming out of my eyes! Please! Go*************@gm***.com or call text 3366895572 ?jenni
EXCITING UPDATE! A regular All About Worms reader named Heidi has, after extensive research, discovered both what are these parasites that look like hair that are infecting humans (or at least infecting her), and a cure to eradicate them! Read the write-up of the information that she shared with us here.
I have the same things going on and am also finding no help from doctors. At times believing death is going to be the result of these “things”. And at other times wanting to die to no longer go through it. I began drinking alcohol…up to a 5th a day. I don’t now… but want to start again.
I have the exact thing going on. I went to the doctor just to get a u.a because the doctor thought I was high on meth. Just to get a negative result what a dummy. He told me I must be delusional. I give up! These things are real. After reading this I’m happy that I’m not alone! But what the hell are these things
I have the same thing. I’m going to contact a parasitologist here in Portland. I, too can feel them in my lungs. My stomach. All o er my body. Coming out my face. My privates. I know they are getting big because when I cover my face in triple antibiotic ointment my neck gets really sore like I slept wrong out of nowhere and I feel them traveling from my face down my neck. It’s really a fucked up seriously miserable thing. And getting looked at like I’m crazy and judged by all these people is honestly whatever. I know that I have something going on and have had something going on for a while now. Please with any help or information or anything at all that can help to get rid of these email me at et******@ya***.com. or fuck it text me or call me @503-572-0162. Please. I am desperate. I can’t go on like this. Really
It’s Morgellons plain and simple. Doctors are determined at most not to accept it.
You have to find a dermatologist who is aware of the condition first or you’ll be going round in circle. They are out there you have to look. UVA light treatment is a good place to start frying the little critters and cutting down the attacks. It for the most part seems to halt the progressive nature of the beasts. It also helps get rid of the non healing legions that occur.
These things keep fake hair all over me and when I yank one out another replaces it immediately! This can go one for an hour or more!! I know it’s this thing doing it because ocassionally one will just pop out of my arm. It’s a horror show. If any one knows anything please contact me at [email address automatically deleted]
I have the exact same thing! And they are a Gordian worm called horsehair! It’s awful! They sting and melt into the skin and float away if you try to pull one out! They have gotten so bad I can feel them in my lungs…. eyes… nose…. Privates…. Stomach…. I’ve suffered for years with it and been misdiagnosed with scabies over a hundred times! Horsehair originally were not thought to be able to infest humans but now they are finding out they do so getting a dr to diagnose it is hard and since people don’t know they are a problem for humans they don’t test for gordian worms in a parasite test. Go to YouTube under thesecretisgratitude there’s a woman on their that actually finally got a diagnosis because she found one big enough that when she sent it in they had to finally say it was horse hair! She’s been trying to find a cure for them because they are resistant to all parasite and worm medications. I hope this helps….
I have these! Help me please. All the doctor call me delusional. Even tried to commit me.
Is there anyway to talk with her. Same type of problem. Told DP by doctors with NO work up.
I’m a medical technologist who’s worked in lab for 2 decades & has done many O&P. I learned about parasites and thought myself a great tech. However after battling a parasite myself & struggling to get it identified, I realized that many people maybe getting negative results because tech may not have learned to identify that parasite, learned American Exceptionalism in which some parasites are not in US when they are but CDC doesn’t require notification; Ex: Screwworm outbreak in Florida & Hookworms in Alabama and Leishmaniasis endemic in Texas, Olk & California but CDC still list it as travelers disease although studies/ papers have urged them to update & track.
Thus many people have parasites that doctors are ignorant about, can’t recognize signs & learned they aren’t found in America. Lab tech struggle to identify some organisms endemic to South even in CDC & Mayo; See O.pulchrum case from Georgia; Don’t believe only 1 person in Georgia contracted that parasite from Native Black Fly, delusional doctorcytosis is in practice.
In short, some parasitic worms are macroscopic & O&Ps maybe negative( not microscopic). Doctors have limited knowledge & USDA, CDC & other agencies allow politics to influence reporting about parasitic vectors in US allowing more transmission & delay patient treatment. Patients have to do their research & push doctors to act when infected. Don’t be afraid to bring your research information to your appointment to make your case. Your paying door that visit and you can pay for delay with York life.