“I have been dealing with these things in my nose and in my mouth above my dentures”, states this reader in Northeast Florida. “Please tell me what they are”, she requests, asking about the multitude of organisms pictured below. The creatures in the photos vary in appearance and size, ranging from black, flowery-shaped objects to slimy, pink-white strands of matter.
In any case, we will unfortunately not be able to identify these organisms for our reader. The reason is because she states that they have been coming from her nose and mouth, and whenever we encounter organisms that come from people’s bodies, we have to assume that the situation may be medical in nature. Since we are not medical professionals, we are not qualified or legally able to make such identifications, as they could potentially be understood as a diagnosis, and doing that could potentially do more harm than good.
All About Worms is always free, always reader-supported, we don't subject you to annoying video or ad pop-ups. But it does cost us money out of our pocket to keep the site going (nearly 20 years so far!) So your tips via CashApp, Venmo, or Paypal are appreciated! Receipts will come from ISIPP Publishing.
With that said, we can still help insofar as pointing our reader in the direction of some resources through which she can find someone who is qualified to help her. Although our reader’s first instinct might be to consult her primary care doctor, in cases like these, we recommend consulting a medical parasitologist. This is because primary care doctors often do not receive training in parasitology, and will thus not be equipped to diagnose and treat parasitic infections. Of course, we are not inferring that what our reader is experiencing is a parasitic infection, as that is not a claim we can make. Nonetheless, a medical parasitologist will be better equipped to find out if the organisms coming from our reader’s body are parasitic to begin with.
To find a medical parasitologist, our reader can do one or more of the following:
1) Search for a medical parasitologist in Northeast Florida using this directory of medical parasitology consultants: https://www.astmh.org/for-astmh-members/clinical-consultants-directory.
2) Search for a local parasitologist by doing a Google search for “medical parasitologist (name of the closest big city)” or “tropical medicine specialist (name of the closest big city)”.
3) Get in touch with Dr. Omar Amin at the Parasitology Center at https://www.parasitetesting.com.
In conclusion, we are unfortunately not able to help our reader in the way that she requests. Yet, we still hope that we were able to help in some way. We hope she finds the resources useful, and we wish her the very best!
All About Worms is always free, always reader-supported, we don't subject you to ads or annoying video pop-ups. But it does cost us money out of our pocket to keep the site going (nearly 20 years so far!) So your tips via CashApp, Venmo, or Paypal are appreciated! Receipts will come from ISIPP Publishing.
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SAD REFLECTION of the poor training and lack of medico-scientific curiosity of GP’s, not to mention lack of interest in HEALING overshadowed by a clearly greater interest to see the next patient. As a health professional myself (chiropractor) I am genuinely astounded and hugely dismayed at the off handed dismissal without even looking or taking a skin scraping or examining the samples I collected or dismissing clearly structured creatures (repeating in samples) as scans or clots when they are clearly not. Even the dermatologist was sneeringly dismissive.
The standard two course ivermectin treatment plus body wash plus ointment didn’t help.
I’ve read that there is resistance now. I have spent my whole life around dogs, cats, horses, birds and have regularly walked around barefoot in the yard on top as it turns out on glistening snail and slug trails.
I would get a tiny thin short hair-like scab out of nowhere. If I removed it (hands and skin disinfected) instead of it popping off as you’d expect they’d be remarkable deep with a dark hairlike bit at one end or the other that would shift position. And the bleeding at certain points could become a ridiculous flow. Following it to remove it would enlarge the originally tiny inconsequential lesion. But you could feel the slight enlargement under the skin. If you moved fast and blocked off further burrowing and movement by forcing your mail or the side of scissors etc and managed to extricate it. If you got it out in entirety the bleeding would stop. If not it would go on and on You’d get an enlarged ring around the area. If you let a scab form and didn’t touch it it would persist for months. Completely untypical. And if you picked it off the underside looked like the underside of an insect and when you examined the tissues that soaked up the oozing blood there were clearly larval stages of something like a hookworm or lungworm.
As for the itching – I really didn’t itch rather I felt a sharp tiny pain spot which I determined was being bitten. The culprits were clear glasslike. Sometimes like a tiny wing shape. The strange thing wa that if I did work at a scab say on my foot within moments I’d feel activity elsewhere on my opposite arm for instance. I suspect a transmitter chemical is released when they are under attack. There is definitely a relation to the full moon and just prior. They definitely burrow beneath the epidermis and cause swelling when active. You can see wiggly lines develop when you work at a lesion
I tried daily ivermectin. Helpful but only partially. The 5% pyrethrin largely useless. When I decided to use a human dose of canine broad spectrum dewormer I had a most positive result and there were definite worms in my stools.
Researching this I learnt of the serious damage that can happen to the brain and vital organs so I was determined to go full steam.
Dog wormer is of insufficient strength and very expensive to get the right dosage.
Single wormer (ie just tape or just hook – just prazequantel for instance) won’t suffice. However I’ve found hitting your system with two different drugs at once is the way to knock these resistant buggers out. So prazequantel plus ivermectin or abomectin or morantel. .. where from? ..livestock suppliers. Researching the components I found they are the same drugs used in humans.
OF COURSE you have to calculate the correct dose/weight and apply that to the (horse) preparation.
Trial and error led me to getting two different broad spectrum drug combinations hitting scabies etc plus hook or tape or hair worm and the associated skin eruptions – yes horses scab up too and they are persistent as well)
So the paste dose adjusted to my weight (the paste dispensers usually have 50kg notches) with one preparation one day and a different one the next. I’m on day seven and I understand it might take another week. But maybe more if the moon business has an effect
What I can say is the scabs instead of remaining solid have now started pussing up like a pimple and then falling off which they never did prior. The pus indicates whatever was in the skin is being killed by the body. I also got flea bombs with 10% pyrethrin. The stronger dose has worked and I spray it all over me daily. Bathing or showering has the effect of softening the scabs and opening the lesions restarting things. But if I let my ski dry out and get flaky (unsightly) it seems to assist in killing the creatures. They need to dessicate.
VERY IMPORTANT – if you do something like this measure the dose accurately. And make sure 24 hours spacing is used. I was being too smart by half and took a 12 hour dose and I had the overdose reactions described in drug guides – sweats, panting, weird head stuff and blabbering, exhaustion – sometimes prazequantel for instance is administered in hospital for this reason – I suppose you get sedated. But it can cause a very unpleasant but temporary awfulness. After I threw up I quickly improved).
These buggers are wily. Persistent and tenacious. I’ve never had anything like this in my life. Over a year of hell with the opposite of support or useful care from the medical establishment.
If you have liver or kidney issues you must still get medical advice regarding effect from these kind of medications. I wager you can count on any MD who waved away your concerns, or accused you of a psychosis or even gave you one standard treatment as prescribed in MIMS will not approve of a two week daily mixed dose treatment I would offer to help him get infected and see how he responds to that.
I’m also experiencing the same. It’s going on 3 yrs now. I have been accused of being on meth. I feel like I’m going crazy. I’m slowly shutting down. I can’t get any help from anyone. I would love to see someone who specializes in parasites but need a referral.
Omg I have exactly the same! I blow a chunk of snot out of my nose then if you watch it closely zoomed in from my phone I can even see them like trying to get out of the snot before it hardens!
My body itches like crazy and have little bumps scattered around my skin, I’ve tried to remove the bump as it doesn’t seem to have a head on it like a spot? I picked at it then I noticed there were white sting like worm looking things under them all. I’ve had to stop picking as I’ve scared the top of my legs, feet,ankles and fore arms! I’ve done a lot of damage, which mental health are saying I’m self harming but I’m not!!! Im 36 & never once in my life cut myself!! I am picking the worms out with tweezers as they are distressing me and can’t stand the thought of them!! I can literally feel them moving from area to area causing me to itch and they’re much worse at night! I can also sometimes see like small wiggly lines under the surface of my skin?
My bum itches so bad on a night but all my stool/tape samples supposedly come back negative, even though I can see things on them when I give them to my DR’s to be tested?!! My knickers have little yellow seed’sweetcorn’ish shape things in which I’ve searched and matched them to TAPEWORM!!! I do have to zoom in on my phone to see them clearly but I can see bits collecting hence what makes me investigate them?!!
I also get such itchy eyes and can see like lines in them and I’ve picked out things from the sides of my inner/outer eyes like little stringy things, but the DR’s say they can’t see them!!! I have a whole load of new DRs at my GP who are rather young and very stuck up and diagnose me before even seeing me, one has even laughed at me! I’ve been put on intensive care watch through mental health.
Why can’t they just put my mind at ease and Reffer me to a Parasitic Dr, then all this mental home visits and my well-being would finally be done with!!
I went to Nepal and got very sick, I then went to Cuba all inclusive and we ended up in this hotel from hell, cockroaches climb it out of the drinks machine, The ceiling fell down right outside my hotel door one evening when it rained, it was disgusting and yet again I spent half the holiday really poorly with the worse sickness bug, I blamed prawns.
So 6 years ago Nepal then 4 years ago Cuba and I believe I caught them there from their pork or beef or even swallowing eggs from uncleanliness of the utensils etc?!!
However the DRs are saying I doubt you caught them as them holidays were years ago, but Tapeworm can stay in your System for years and I believe that it’s gotten that big or multiplied that it’s now starting to try get out from elsewhere ie my nose, phlegm, eyes & skin!
I’m also so weak now that I am a wheelchair user!! I’ve been diagnosed with ulcerative colitis and fibromyalgia. Before this I have always been very fit and healthy going to the gym and stuff? I don’t believe I have fibromyalgia I think the parasites have gotten into my nervous system and that is what is causing my weakness and pain?!
I’m getting so fed up of it now and it’s only been going on a couple of years and you guys have had it for six years or more, I don’t think I can cope with it for much longer ?
I have been dealing with the same thing and I have seen one doctor that has done several Ivermectin treatments and they help but don’t get rid of the problem. I’m almost positive at this point that I have a pork tapeworm and they cause a ton of problems. I have problems from head to toe and am searching for a doctor to confirm and prescribe the medication for it. In the meantime this stuff works really well. You can put it on your scalp and skin. Don’t breathe it into your lungs though. I have put it throughout the house and backyard patio. You can also take it orally and throw it in a smoothie or something like that. Please read the directions and Google as much info as possible before you use it. I’m sorry that you are going through this. Hopefully you will find some relief with this.
I got a 4lb bag for $12.00
HARRIS Diatomaceous Earth Food Grade, 4lb with Powder Duster Included in The Bag
Oh my gawd! I am 57 and i. Cleveland Ohio. Ive had those worm things in my nose and skin for 7 years. Theyve gotten worse. They poke through my skin and hurt. I look like a meth addict. Countless Drs. Ive been in tears with tweezers at drs appointment poised to pull one out for dr. They are now in my eyes. My hears is so diminished My eats ring constantly. Ive about 5000 photos and videos. It is not Delusional Parasitosis. The ER laughed at me. Asking when i last saw my
Psych Dr. I fear I will die due to this infection soon. I am gripped with fear. This has become all i do. iSomething needs to happen before im diagnosed with dome cancer that ultimately is caused by parasites. I am sorry I offer no hope. You arent alone.
I have joined a Facebook group that also might be helpful to her it’s called “Lets talk Parasites “ just copy (Lets talk Parasites) go to Facebook groups and at search glass Hold down and paste or just write it out either way it helps just knowing your not alone and see things that might be helpful but also see a parasitologist