We just received a message on our Facebook page from a concerned reader about some worms she spotted in her house. She wrote that there are a ton of very small black worms that she didn’t notice at first because her house is covered in mold. She said there are “millions” of these worms spread throughout her bedroom and that she no longer wants to sleep in that room because one of the walls is soaking wet with mold. The walls that aren’t covered in mold are infested with these worms. She is in distress and needs help with this infestation.
She didn’t include a photo, but based on the mold and description of these pests we think she is dealing with drain fly larvae. Drain fly larvae feed on organic material and need a moist environment to survive. They are usually discovered in shower and sink drains, often in the bathroom or kitchen. However, the mold is likely what is attracting these worms into her bedroom. Although drain fly larvae are not harmful to humans, she should address this issue immediately and begin by getting rid of the mold. Drain flies are usually pretty easy to get rid of and just require a deep cleaning of the pipes and drains in a home. However, this sounds like a situation that might require a professional.
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Mold can grow anywhere where there is the right combination of water, dust, dirt, or soap scum. The mold in her home could be due to a leak causing excess moisture in all the rooms of her house. Small amounts of mold are easy to remove, but when large areas of a house become infected with mold it can become a much bigger task. Because our reader said her entire house is soaked in mold, we recommend she contact a professional to handle this problem. While mold is often harmless, some types are harmful to human health and can cause sickness. If our reader has been living in a mold-infested house for a long time, we recommend she contact a doctor to ensure she is in good health.
If our reader wishes to handle this problem without a professional, she can attempt to use bleach, water, and a soft brush to remove mold from the walls and floors. If she has carpeting or furniture that is wet with mold, it should be removed from her home immediately. We suggest she seek help for the mold removal in order to make sure she gets rid of it all.
To conclude, a reader wrote to us in distress about small black worms that have infested her mold-soaked home. We recommend she remove the mold, which is likely the source of food for these drain fly larvae.
All About Worms is always free, always reader-supported, we don't subject you to ads or annoying video pop-ups. But it does cost us money out of our pocket to keep the site going (nearly 20 years so far!) So your tips via CashApp, Venmo, or Paypal are appreciated! Receipts will come from ISIPP Publishing.
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Originally posted 2016-02-11 15:31:22.
What a great website. I have been doing a lot of internet research on a situation at home and work that has morphed into a whole conundrum of articles and Blair’s and opinions tgat give little or jo solutions that have any regulation or oversight as to the claims or expertise of the author. And search engines give you access to nonsense results that may or may not provide any value at all. And probably create so much confusion it’s no wonder we spend more time that ever now finding answers and there is a general mistrust of peoples opinion -besides that no one listened anyways.(is there any other source if data anymore? I am an old timer and disappointed in how the web was supposed to make us better informed and have access to tons of valid and reliable data. It was at one time a primarily governmental and institutional bank of info free of adverts or any bias or influence on the availability of data and search engines were basically filters with transparent peramters you chose)
That being said I love when I land on what I view as a refreshment center for the curious who just want to get a simple opinion on something strange that they don’t have to read tons of material only to find out it’s a sales pitch or some bubble head who never had any actual experience nor did any research or follow up on what they were spewing.
This is like being a kid and being able to ask someone, who seems to know some stuff, some questions about what we all have an innate respect for. Worms. Just say the word and peolple have all sorts of reactions. All of which are enoughvtie keep your brain at least on alert. A primal instinct for sure.