Matter Covering Home that Resembles ‘Cake Frosting’ is White Mold

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“We have been finding strange things in our house for some time now”, states this reader in Massachusetts in her submission. “I hope and pray that you can help us identify the problem based on the pics I have sent.”

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She continues to say that “things (like in the pics included) that we have not seen in the twenty years we have lived here” have begun showing up in her home. “We just cannot figure out what it is. They do not seem to be particular about where they go because it seems they have taken over all rooms, although the wood items, floors, and furniture look as though there may be signs of damage.”

“We live in a very old home, and, though some would argue this, I feel like the house is starting to show an increasing amount of “old age” all at once. The hardwood floors have some blackening, as well as some white areas. The plaster walls have more cracks and holes than ever before, and the newly painted woodwork has almost a tiny bit of yellow and what I can only call a thickening of sorts, almost like cake frosting (yes, I know it sounds crazy). We have lived in our home for many years and the things like we have now have never been a problem. There are so many and I can only hope that I have included ones that will help. Thank you.”

Now, based on the context our reader gave, in conjunction with the photos she provided (which are excellent, and we thank her for them), we do not think these are worms at all, but actually white mold. White mold, like black mold, is a fungus that can grow in homes and will cover walls and other surfaces in the home. Additionally, like black mold, white mold is incredibly unsafe to keep in one’s home, as it can lead to the people in the home experiencing health problems.

The best way to remove white mold is to contact a mold removal professional. Trying to remove white mold by oneself can prove damaging to one’s health, so we do not advise looking up any do-it-yourself tutorials. Inhaling the spores and getting it on one’s skin is potentially dangerous.

To conclude, the white matter that has been spreading throughout our reader’s house is white mold. It is very hazardous to keep around, and our reader should waste no time in contacting a professional to deal with this. We apologize that we had to be bearers of this bad news, but luckily it is fixable. We hope this article helps and we wish her the very best.

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Matter Covering Home that Resembles 'Cake Frosting' is White Mold
Article Name
Matter Covering Home that Resembles 'Cake Frosting' is White Mold
"We have been finding strange things in our house for some time now", states this reader in Massachusetts in her submission. "I hope and pray that you can help us identify the problem based on the pics I have sent."

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Author: Worm Researcher Anton

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