Long Red Worm Found at Bottom of Toilet is a Bloodworm

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“What kind of worm is this?” asks this reader in the submission she sent us. “I went to the bathroom and went to flush and saw it at the bottom,” she continues, referring to the long, red worm pictured below.

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She concludes her query by stating: “I feel it’s a bloodworm from what I have researched.” We definitely agree with this assessment. Based on the location in which it was discovered, as well as the color and length of its body, we definitely think this is a bloodworm.

For context, a bloodworm is any worm that produces an excess amount of a hemoglobin (the molecule in our red blood cells which carries oxygen), which hence turns their bodies red and lets them survive in low-oxygen conditions for long periods of time. As such, there are multiple species of bloodworm, such as the red midge fly larva and the tubificid worm. We do not think that this is either of these two worms, but that nonetheless it is a bloodworm.

It is likely some type of earthworm as well, as the two umbrella terms have overlapping species of worms. This could very well be a red wiggler, or a tiger worm, though it is difficult to see if this particular worm has any stripes.

In any case, bloodworms are actually completely harmless, despite their rather macabre name. They feed on decomposing matter, and can thus be found in sewage quite often.

The presence of this worm in our reader’s toilet is likely an accident, though it may also indicate that there is a leak somewhere underground in her sewage pipes. Indications of a leak include foul-smelling water, discolored water, and a lowered or inconsistent water pressure. If our reader thinks she may be experiencing a leak, we advise that she contact a professional to deal with the situation.

As for the bloodworm, we recommend that she simply move it outside. If possible, taking it to a pond (or another body of freshwater) is preferable, as it will have plenty of organic matter to feed on there too.

To conclude, the red worm our reader found in her toilet is indeed a bloodworm. We are not entirely sure what species it is exactly, but regardless, the worm is harmless, so our reader needs not worry for her safety or health. We wish her the very best!

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Long Red Worm Found at Bottom of Toilet is a Bloodworm
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Long Red Worm Found at Bottom of Toilet is a Bloodworm
"What kind of worm is this?" asks this reader in the submission she sent us. "I went to the bathroom and went to flush and saw it at the bottom," she continues, referring to the long, red worm pictured below.

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Author: Worm Researcher Anton

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