Little Worms and Black Eggs Plague the Body of this Concerned Woman

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“I vomited this animal”, writes this reader in her submission regarding the gray organism pictured below. She wrote to us in German, so the following is a rough translation: “Got little worms in me. They lay black eggs through the skin, these will fly. White coating comes out of my tongue and gums, and black eggs come out of it. If I touch meat with my hands, these things develop like in the mouth. Please answer quickly, nobody takes me seriously.” Right off the bat, we will unfortunately have to say that we will not be able to identify these “worms”, because this situation is clearly medical in nature.

We are not medical professionals, and because of this, we are neither qualified nor legally able to identify organisms that could be negatively affecting someone’s health. Doing so would be tantamount to providing a diagnosis, which, coming from a non-medical professional, could do much more harm than good. For that reason, we recommend that our reader consult a medical professional. We are not sure if she has already tried this, since she does say that “nobody takes [her] seriously”. Of course, we do not know who that refers to, but similar language has been used by past readers who have consulted their primary care doctors about similar issues and not been taken seriously. As unfortunate as those cases are, the reason for this is because most primary care doctors do not receive training in medical parasitology (the field of medicine that concerns itself with parasitic issues and concerns). That does not excuse dismissing one’s patients’ concerns as nonsensical, of course.

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Regardless, since most primary care doctors do not receive training in parasitology, we always recommend instead that any reader who is concerned about an organism affecting their health consult a medical parasitologist. They specialize in this very field, and always take their patients seriously. We also want our reader to know that we do take her situation very seriously, and we are sorry to hear that others have not. To find a medical parasitologist or other health care provider who can actually help, our reader can do one or more of the following:

– Visit our parasite care resources page here:

– Search for a medical parasitologist in her area using this directory of medical parasitology consultants:

– Search for a local parasitologist by doing a Google search for “medical parasitologist (name of the closest big city)” or “tropical medicine specialist (name of the closest big city)”.

To conclude, we cannot identify the worm that our reader vomited, because the situation calls for a medical professional’s opinion. We hope nonetheless that we were able to help in some way, and we wish our reader the very best! For any readers who are curious, or are German speakers, here is the original submission: “Ich habe dieses Tier erbrochen. Habe kleine Würmer in mir. Die legen schwarze Eier durch die Haut, diese werden zu fliegen. Aus meiner Zunge und Zahnfleisch kommt weisser belag, daraus kommen schwarze Eier. Fasse ich mit meinen Händen Fleisch an, entwickeln sich auch sofort diese Dinger wie im Mund. Bitte antworten sie schnell, mich nimmt niemand ernst.”

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Little Worms and Black Eggs Plague the Body of this Concerned Woman
Article Name
Little Worms and Black Eggs Plague the Body of this Concerned Woman
"I vomited this animal", writes this reader in her submission regarding the gray organism pictured below. She wrote to us in German, so the following is a rough translation: "Got little worms in me. They lay black eggs through the skin, these will fly. White coating comes out of my tongue and gums, and black eggs come out of it. If I touch meat with my hands, these things develop like in the mouth. Please answer quickly, nobody takes me seriously." Right off the bat, we will unfortunately have to say that we will not be able to identify these "worms", because this situation is clearly medical in nature.

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Author: Worm Researcher Anton

10 thoughts on “Little Worms and Black Eggs Plague the Body of this Concerned Woman

  1. Hello you guys!!! I’ve had this from 2017 and it only has gotten worse… I have wanted to go back to school just so I could find out wtf it is … My final answer is Blood FLUKES , liver flukes, snail flukes …. I BELIEVE THEIR IN OUR WATER… THEY SAY BOIL ALL WATER AND DO NOT WASH CLOTHES OR YOURSELF IN FRESH WATER. ONLY thing I can think is boil your water and Ho bath …then boil your clotthes and everything you can …… You also need meds to kill the flukes and it’s got to be prescribed from A doctor then you need to repeat it at least two times after that and pray to God it works I’m fixing to go to a new doctor and I will let you know how it works out for me it’s been a long long time but it’s starting to mess with my eyes and all my hair fall OUT and I used to be a pretty girl…. I hate myself now ….. But I will NEVER GIVE UP AND LET THEM BITCHES WIN!!!!!! IM GONNA WIN ONE DAY …… I PRAY!!!! MaryBailey Montgomery Alabama

  2. I have these too! She’s right. They produce balck & white keratinatous filaments, the white ones become airborne, weave themselves into fabrics, secrete a honeydew-like substance from your skin and once your home is saturated with them, the honeydew-like substance coats everything, covering everything in a mustardy yellow tacky glaze.

    I’ve been studying my own condition and am making headway. If anyone has something like this living in your skin pores and making you sick, ruining your, your family’s and pet’s life, email me.


    1. Hello Kristina,

      I have quite the assortment of entertainment and while I am starting to believe there may never be identification or an end to this…one thing that could really help me is having someone to talk to, research with or diffuse an especially infested day of trials. The horsehair worm which they say humans are not bothered by, have you suffered at all with this this one?

      1. Hi I also have the same thing going on . It’s been about 3 years now I also have a 2 yr old baby who is also having the same problems. Everything in my house is infested with these little f*ck*rs ! My quality of life has went to shit! And my mental health is not so great either. Any new news on these?

        1. I have these also and so does my son (he’s 7) and my wife. My wife says she doesn’t see what I see ,by does suffer with multiple sclerosis and has severe damage to her optic never in both eyes. But I see them and the sticky glaze on almost everything in our home but in our bathroom especially. No matter how much I clean I can’t rid us of these unknown assailants. I worry very much for my son especially. I have read so real life horrors stories on this and frankly it scares the hell out me. I have been told I’m crazy by my wife multiple times. And it’s very hard to hear something like that from the ones you love so dearly. Can anyone anywhere please advise ,steps or anything useful on helpful ng me out . Even if is some way of living with them and being able to tune them out so I can give my family some peace from my paranoid behavior…thank you every single person that reads this.

          1. Hello you guys!!! I’ve had this from 2017 and it only has gotten worse… I have wanted to go back to school just so I could find out wtf it is … My final answer is Blood FLUKES , liver flukes, snail flukes …. I BELIEVE THEIR IN OUR WATER… THEY SAY BOIL ALL WATER AND DO NOT WASH CLOTHES OR YOURSELF IN FRESH WATER. ONLY thing I can think is boil your water and Ho bath …then boil your clotthes and everything you can …… You also need meds to kill the flukes and it’s got to be prescribed from A doctor then you need to repeat it at least two times after that and pray to God it works I’m fixing to go to a new doctor and I will let you know how it works out for me it’s been a long long time but it’s starting to mess with my eyes and all my hair fall OUT and I used to be a pretty girl…. I hate myself now ….. But I will NEVER GIVE UP AND LET THEM BITCHES WIN!!!!!! IM GONNA WIN ONE DAY …… I PRAY!!!! MaryBailey Montgomery Alabama

        2. Hello, I am almost in tears because I too have the same issue going on and I have been dismissed by some many doctors they seem to insinuate I am manifesting all this; however, the won’t even look at me or even the hundreds of samples and pictures I have I feel as though my once happy, bubbly life is gone forever I am so so depressed I have them in my urine, my skin, my nails, my hair and I have even found them in my teeth . I can’t talk to anyone about it bc then they think I am crazy I will upload some pictures when I can It will be soon Please please tell me you or someone had found out how to treat them Hope all is well your way- sending positive vibes to you and

          1. SAME! It has affected my mood as well. I have a few broken teeth and I too have pulled them out. They have morphed into so many different looks and stages it isn’t funny

    2. What is happening Kristina. We also are suffering from EVERYTHING you just said for 3 going on 4 years. I do not find this remotely coincidental that SO MANY PEOPLE across the globe have been experiencing this and new cases are hopping on board daily! It also has infiltrated the roots (I assume) of my hair where my hairs or hairs go rogue (as I comedically dubbed it…but there isn’t a damned thing funny OR fun about these little demons) and will move on its own accord. As nutbag loopy as it sounds, I am telling you the truth!!! I’ve seen others onlinr that are experiencing it too.
      Please tell me you can help!

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