“I found these worms in Ohio last night”, states Annakah in her submission regarding the slimy-looking, black worm-like creatures pictured below. “They’re about 1-2 inches long. The surrounding habitat is mostly maple-dominated forest with moss growing side by side with the grass in the lawn. They apparently had climbed 10-15 feet up a house to get where they are pictured. Do you know what they are?” Based on the photo alone, we would say these look like little flatworms, though it is difficult to tell given the low resolution of the image, and how small they are. That said, the moist environment and the size of the creatures would add up with this conclusion.
So, let’s assume these are flatworms. Should Annakah be worried? What should she do? Well, she does not need to worry as long as she avoids physical contact with them and does not let any potential pets near them. The reason for this is because flatworms can secrete harmful toxins that can cause irritation and stinging if they come into contact with one’s skin. It is these same toxins which would paralyze and dissolve a smaller creature: say an insect larva or a snail. Similarly, flatworms can carry harmful parasites such as flukes, which can be contracted upon ingestion of the host (in this case the flatworm), which is why we recommend keeping pets away from these creatures.
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Now, it is odd that the flatworms climbed up the side of the house. It is not entirely uncommon for flatworms to enter a home, either to seek shelter or because they are chasing prey, but we have not heard of them climbing the outside of a house. Of course, they could still be seeking a way into the home for shelter, or perhaps they were all chasing prey up the side of the house. We are not sure why they did this, but in any case, we recommend that Annakah gets the worms of her home, perhaps using a hose, and that she sprinkle salt or diatomaceous earth around the perimeter of her house to keep flatworms from reaching the walls.
In conclusion, we are not entirely sure what these worms are, as it is really difficult to give a confident identification when the picture is not of good quality. Our best guess is that these are flatworms, though we must admit that the behavior they are exhibiting is odd. We hope nonetheless that the information provided in this article proves helpful, and we wish Annakah the best!
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