Larvae-Related Health Concerns

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A reader recently reached out to us about some health concerns. He explained that he was “exposed to carpet beetle larvae” for 8 months without knowing it. They were living in his work truck. He didn’t elaborate on the specific health concerns, but did send a few photographs (Note: the photographs are quite graphic). He asked us for any help we can offer, even if it is just directing him to someone who can address his concerns.

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The first photograph shows the tip of his finger. There is an open wound near the tip of the nail. We don’t see a worm or worm-like organism, but we do see a thin, hair-like black object near the wound.

The second photograph shows another of his fingers. There are white objects emerging from the open wound on the side of the fingernail. We aren’t sure if these are worms, worm-like organisms, or something else.

We don’t think this man’s heath concerns are related to the carpet beetle larvae in his work truck. While a carpet beetle larvae infestation can be quite a nuisance and annoying to get rid of, they aren’t dangerous or harmful. Some people do develop Carpet Beetle Dermatitis, which is a rash or skin irritation that is the result of coming into physical contact with the hair-like bristles that cover a carpet beetle larva’s body. However, we don’t think our reader is experiencing Carpet Beetle Dermatitis because it is usually expressed as red bumps or a rash, not as open wounds.

Unfortunately we can’t offer any medical advice to our reader since we aren’t licensed medical professionals. We do think our reader should see a medical professional as soon as possible. In our experience, the best way to find a medical specialist who will be experienced in this sort of thing and able to help is to do an Internet search for: travel infectious diseases doctor (your location or the nearest big city). According to UCLA Health, infectious disease specialists “are called upon by other physicians to help diagnose the most complex and elusive cases and to develop strategies to prevent and treat a wide range of diseases affecting all parts of the body.”

To summarize, one of our readers reached out to us about some of his health concerns that are potentially worm-related. We encourage him to visit a travel infectious disease doctor to address these concerns.

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Larvae-Related Health Concerns
Article Name
Larvae-Related Health Concerns
One of our readers reached out to us about some of his health concerns that are potentially worm-related. We encourage him to visit a travel infectious disease doctor to address these concerns.

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Author: Worm Researcher Dori

4 thoughts on “Larvae-Related Health Concerns

  1. 6 yrs ago, my hands pounding, I woke up in terror as a bloody green blob oozed out under the 1fingernail…then the teeniest of “flies” emerged. Very painful, very expensive & very time consuming & also distracts from what I OUGHT TO BE doing. 6 yrs later, with improvements along the way, I’d recommend these: – see Dr Simon Yu in St. Louis — amazing parasite dr! Turns out that I didn’t get cured but he helped me get better. I had protozoa, flukes, & tapeworm — and Fusarium fungus, & bacteria (they hang out w/worms). ALL need treatment!
    – go to & Dr.Don Bailey is SO knowledgeable – he treats via video platforms & phone, an MD & telepathic Healer. Miraculous.
    – insist that your county health dept. intercede for you — by law, they HAVE TO set up samples to go to your state pathology lab. If they can’t ID the exact parasitic worm, they’ll send it on to the CDC. Do not hesitate.
    – in water, add a few drops of clove oil, tea tree oil, & neem oil. The help these oils give are very helpful to cut back on pain & activity. Or eucalyptus, oregano, etc — purifying Oils, used for centuries. Dr’s & others will tell you not to, but that’s bcz they really DONT KNOW much besides pharm meds. (meanwhile, Vicks, Listerine, etc. have these oils in the product , but most folk don’t realize that purifying oils ARE medicine!
    Any combo of the above can be added to a water bottle & you can sip it throughout the day, or if you have no stomach issues, you cld take 5/6 drops in H2O in the a.m. & p.m. Remember your oral cavity is direct to your intestines — be diligent with gargling & brushing ( I didn’t know, & teeny worms wld come from my gums, & I lost 5 teeth!
    Many, metro, like a couple drops of colloidal silver under the tongue, and even on a painful skin lesion or other sore from these invaders! Many worms wander from the colon into other organs so pls don’t waste time. Most ALL Dr’s get out of dealing with you by saying “you are delusional”. Disregard these comments to keep your courage up. ( there is a bonifide DSM-V diagnosis of Delusional Parasitosis; that can ONLY be a diagnosis if EVERY test fails to turn up a parasitic worm — that’s the only legal way) Also use a combo of oils on your nails & skin, esp. soles of feet.
    KEEP A NOTEBOOK ALSO, take notes from phone calls, websites, etc . Keep the original,, then pictures need to be contrasted & shaded &/or colorized to get clarity. The comparisons make the infection visible. The initial infection may be from walking barefoot, a vector carrying the eggs may bite you, you may’ve picked it up from a dog or cat — who can say? Just a microbe into the mouth or into a scratch on your skin…
    – the anti-worm meds like Ivermectin, Albendazole, etc., ironically, are VERY safe! It is sane to try small amounts of them & see if you get any positive reactions. Pet & farm stores carry them for animals (or order online) but it’s the SAME product — that’s all I’m going to say. Again, the naysayers will criticize you but they’re not the ones who are in fright & agony or threatened w/ tumors, liver disease, etc! It is such a relief & easily accessible.
    – send samples to a private lab (yes, you pay) for identification. THEN somewhere in your city, there’ll be an Infectious Disease dr or Clinical Parasitologist who will treat you, with that ICD-10 diagnosis.
    Blessings to you!! Do not waste time seeing dr after dr, etc. Buy some formalin to keep samples in…so much more to say!
    Keep faithful, K S, Florida

  2. I know this article was published a few years ago, but I too am experiencing the same thing, or at least something very similar. I have yet to see the infectious disease expert but my doctor (without thorough inspection) diagnosed me with pinworms and scabies. The meds they gave me have helped, but I’m still suffering the same overall symptoms at the same severity. I’ve never had anything like this before as I am typically a very hygienic person. However, I’ve been living in an extremely unsanitary environment as a result of years and years of neglect by the owner of the house/my roommate. Did that person ever figure out what exactly it was? Because, right now, my doctor had been very little help and the internet had me afraid of everything in my house. If someone could maybe give me an idea of what direction to point the doctors, I’d be very grateful. Thanks.

  3. Thank you for your site
    I have been dealing with some mystery worm or larva for 5 months. My doctor comes up as the travel infection disease person in my area – but he thinks i’m Delusional. Your articles have inspired me to seek a second opinion.

    They have also helped me to feel calmer about the situation, as more of a ‘thing of life’ than a drive on me.

    Just wanted to let you know, I appreciate what you do. :)

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