How to Get Rid of Black Soldier Fly Larvae (BSFL)

black soldier fly larva in RV
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Before diving into how to get rid of BSFL, we will provide some background information on these creatures.

BSFL are commonly used for composting because they can turn high-nutrient waste into animal feed. Humans often find these larvae on composts or dumpsters. However, if someone finds them inside their house, that often means they are feeding on some damp organic matter.

If these creatures keep on reappearing, our reader needs to find the food source that these larvae are exploiting in order to say goodbye to them. They should look in their trash bins, indoor composts, or perhaps under the sink where mold could be growing. Once the source is located, they should clean the area thoroughly. They should also remove any food or other organic matter that is sitting out in the open in an unprotected environment. If our reader cannot find the source, they might want to hire a professional to assist them in handling this situation!

In summary, our reader keeps finding black soldier fly larvae in their home. We gave them some ideas on how to deal with these creatures.


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How to Get Rid of Black Soldier Fly Larvae (BSFL)
Article Name
How to Get Rid of Black Soldier Fly Larvae (BSFL)
We recently heard from a reader who is dealing with BSFL, or black soldier fly larvae. They are curious how to get rid of them for good, because they keep appearing every few days or weeks.

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Author: Worm Researcher Dori

2 thoughts on “How to Get Rid of Black Soldier Fly Larvae (BSFL)

  1. Okay I’m having the same problem with the soldier fly larvae but there coming out of my toilet, and now I’m finding them randomly around the house crawling out in the middle of the floor! I understand the wet climate being the feeding source. But I’m not yet to understand if they can get inside the body or hurt u if touch upon skin contact? I have 2 little girls I mean little 1&2 year old so I’m taking all measures to keep them away from them especially if my 2 year old goes to potty and we’ll you get were I’m going?? I try to be there to check the potty everytime she goes but sometimes she gets there before I notice!! And how do I get rid of them for good because I’ve dried up all the moisture all over the house and try to keep it dry at all cost but there still appearing!??

  2. I keep finding these black soldier fly larvae in my house, too. I wonder if it is just because of the season, and if they will go away once it gets warmer. I notice different bugs appear during different times of the year. So, I’m hoping that is what is happening, and they will go away. I like the tips you gave, though, for getting rid of them.

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