We just heard from a reader about a worm that appeared in her shower. She thinks it is a hammerhead worm, and we agree based on the photo she included. She wonders how it would have gotten in her shower. She notes that the bathroom is located near an exterior door.
Hammerhead worms, and worms in general, end up inside houses in various ways. Hammerhead worms love moisture and wet surfaces, so it adds up that this worm found its way to the shower. Like earthworms, hammerhead worms live in soil. So if our reader’s pipes that run to the shower have a leak in them, it is possible that the worm got in through the drain. However, it is probably more likely that this worm got in by other means. It could have snuck in through the nearby exterior door, or a window or vent that isn’t properly sealed. It also could have gotten dragged in on a shoe or pet. We cannot say for certain how this worm appeared.
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However, since our reader has only found one of these creatures, it is best that she just place it outside. If these worms, or any other type of worm, continue to appear, she should check out the sealing on the entryways. If those are properly airtight, then she could talk to a plumber about her pipes, however we doubt this hammerhead worm came in through them.
To summarize, a reader found a hammerhead worm in her shower and asked us some questions regarding its sudden appearance.
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