We have seen groups of larvae similar to this on other readers’ walls and ceilings before. In those instances we thought our readers were likely dealing with some sort of moth fly larvae. So, are these moth fly larvae or something else? Here is a photo that shows a bit more detail:
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All About Worms is always free, always reader-supported, we don't subject you to ads or annoying video pop-ups. But it does cost us money out of our pocket to keep the site going (nearly 20 years so far!) So your tips via CashApp, Venmo, or Paypal are appreciated! Receipts will come from ISIPP Publishing.
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![Group of Inchworms on Wall](https://www.allaboutworms.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/unnamed-3-5.jpg)
Karen, first of all your not delusional nor are you paranoid! This has happened to me also & one other to my knowledge with pretty much the same results from Dr.’s & tests, etc, etc.. I’m still looking for help & results! Hang in there & DON’T panic, Panic causes bad decisions. There has to be a reason for this to be happening, keep searching. ( As far as my body, I began using sterile chlorine water to bath in with good results) & using the sterile method for everything!
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Please help me I have discovered so many different worm like things and larvae throughout my house bed and also coming out of my body!!! My issue 1st started after having an accident at the snow ended up in hospital left with a paper cut and 2 days later was puss infected!!!did some research and thought maybe snow moth/// On bed rest within the month I had larvae in my bed and 2 ulcerative wounds on my ankle with a raised brown worm shaped thing in between and things that looked like little wings only surrounding the area!!! I called a friend we stripped the bed and threw it all out and I went to stay at his place, he was going on a cruise so we bought new linen and I returned home!!! I had another friend looking after me only to find things get worse!!! It’s been over a year now and I’m finding all soughts of different creatures through out my home and my body isn’t healing either:-((( I feel like my home and body is invaded but all tests come back negative but I know I’m not delusional this SHIT IS REAL AND I FEEL LIKE IM STUCK IN HELL:-(((( I’ve lived here for 12 years and never even use to have any problems with flies mosquitos cockroachs or bugs but now I’m finding all kinds of creatures everywhere can you help!!! Yes have bombed the house several times and even pest control out several times/// I’m at my wits end Plz help me???
Yes I did thank you for your help my friend found a worm like thing in her bed your recherch helped very much