He included a photo, but it isn’t very good quality. He added that it was brown or gray colored. It’s difficult to for us to guess how big this creature is because there is nothing in the photo that we can use for an accurate size comparison.
We believe our reader is dealing with moth fly larvae, which are sometimes called “drain fly larvae” because they are so often found in drains. Moth fly larvae are often a cream or gray color, so our reader might have just found a particularly dark one. Although we cannot be completely positive that this is a moth fly larva without further evidence, the location of the larvae adds some strength to our claim.
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Moth fly larvae rely on moisture for survival, and they feed on organic matter that might be lining the pipes of our reader’s shower. Since the pipes are the source of the pest, and not the water supply tank, there is a possibility that they will return. The adult moth flies also lay eggs on this grime, so it’s very important that our reader should follow the next steps in order to get rid of these pests for good. Using a pipe brush, plumbing snake, and some drain and pipe cleaning gel, he should get to work cleaning the drain. In order to get rid of the moth fly larvae he needs to clean thoroughly and make sure that no grime remains in the pipes.
Finally, while these creatures certainly unnerved our reader, he shouldn’t worry. Moth fly larvae, or “drain flies” are common household pests and they do not harm humans!
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